Application by:
ADT Project Consulting GmbH / BFC Business & Finance Consulting


Project title:
Consulting Services for the EU Investment Facility for Central Asia (IFCA) component No. 2020 618 10

Project status:

Project period:
December 2018 – December 2020

Duration of assignment:
24 months

Kyrgyz Republic

Project description:

The Programme Value Chain Agro-Finance aims at introducing value chain finance in the Kyrgyz Republic. This is to contribute to economic growth and the creation of emloyment and incomes, particularly in rural areas of the country. Within the framework of this programme there are various project components.One component within this programme shall be provided by the EU-IFCA to enhance agricultural production and quality, the EU-IFCA Component consisting of (a) an IFCA TA grant to finance technical assistance services of an international experienced consultan company aiming to improve agricultural production, post-harvesting and processing practices and (b) an IFCA investment grant for investment measures related to HACCP certification/testing laboratories rehabilitation and eequipment.

The requested servises comprise several tasks, thereof

  • promotion of sound agricultral technologies, good agricultural practice and provision of post-harvest training for primary producers including small holder farmers within the 5 value chains
  • training of processors, distributers and testing laboratories in the five selected value chains…

The long or medium term expert(s) shall support the team leader with the planning and implementation of training:

  1. Training agro VC players in good agricultural/post-harvest practices
    Scope of Work: Promotion of sound agricultural technologies, good agricultural practice and provision of post-harvest training for primary producers including small holder farmers within the 5 value chains
  • Market context, status quo
  • Mention sound agricultural technologies (best practices) that farmers should use, good agricultural practices; delivery channels for how we will promote the information
  • Sample agendas for good agricultural practices (soil use, water use/irrigation techniques, crop rotation, environmental and social standards, animal protection etc.)
  • Post-harvest and processing practices (HACCP, ISO) in order to improve standards, quality and export potential.

2. Training of processors, distributers and testing laboratories

  • Market context, status quo
  • Present best practices for testing laboratories, list of recommendations for improvement
  • Sample training agenda
  • Follow up actions for monitoring

Required qualification, skills and professional experience (as expected):

  • Livestock expert (Animal Production or Veterinarian) with more than 7 years of professional experience
  • Laboratory expert with more than 7 years of professional experience
  • Experienced in training and training coordination
  • Good English language skills, Russian would be an asset