Climate  Smart Agriculture (CSA)

  • Climate Change is a crucial topic within the agricultural and livestock sectors
  • Extreme weather events have the potential to erase the livelihoods of farmers and small business owners and ultimately threatens the food security of affected regions
  • CSA is implemented to reduce the exposure to the changing climatic conditions and mitigate the risk to agricultural businesses
  • CSA strengthens the resilience of farming activities
  • Our expertise covers all aspects of Climate Smart Agriculture, from the conceptualization to implementation of relevant measures for risk reduction as well as mitigation and adaptation strategies and technologies


  • ADT with its long-standing international experience in CSA provides technologies and strategies primarily to smallholder farmers on practices like mulching, intercropping etc.
  • Relevant projects contain capacity development in suitable technologies and techniques depending on the weather events and their impacts
  • Identify critical adaptation strategies for farmers and farmer’s organisations