ADT has implemented over 100 projects worldwide during the more than 25 years since we have started our company. You can get a more in-depth look into our project work by visiting the websites of our long-term success projects. These projects are covering key fields of our expertise like education and training (‘FABU’ / DAZ), livestock and animal husbandry (`”Weiterentwicklung der Tierzucht und Tierhaltung in China” / KFM Kasachstan), crop (Indogerman project ‘Seed Sector Development’), Digitalisation (ATS Animal Traceability Solutions).
ADT has implemented more than 100 projects worldwide during the more than 25 years since we have started our company. The following database contains the most important reference projects implemented by ADT Project Consulting in recent years. Just select a country to view the referring projects.
Support to Lovetsch Montain Region and to Fruit and Wine Production in Bulgaria
Country: Bulgaria
Origin of Funding: German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
Name of Client: Ministry of Agriculture
Project Dates: 11/1999-06/2007
Project Value [EUR]: 3.363.851
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 25
Staff provided: 5
Name of partners, if any: IAK AGRAR Consulting GmbH Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development
Project Description:
The Project was aiming to improve the employment and to increase the income of the rural population in Bulgaria. Thus, the Project was strengthening private and state services in order to support agricultural and other small and medium enterprises in their economic development. The Project had identified concrete sub-projects for their support activities directed to the Lowetsch Montain Region and the Bulgarian Fruit and Wine Production such as the propagation of new fruit and wine seedlings, the improvement of milk hygiene and the genetic potential of cattle and sheep, the development of self-help-organisations (associations) and agricultural extension services and the initiation of new credit opportunities for the rural population.
Services provided:
• Agricultural Sector Analysis in the Lovetsch Montain Area;
• Analysis of Livestock Services;
• Organisational Advice to the fondation, development and management of a milk producer association;
• Technical assistance to the improvement of milk-hygiene and the modernisation of milk-collection points for cattle and sheep;
• Technical Assistance for applicants under the SAPARD Programme;
• Training of local staff in production technology, marketing, agro-business management, organization and association development
Technical Assistance to the Preparation of the Rural Development Program 2007 – 2013 and its Monitoring System
Country: Bulgaria
Origin of Funding: EU Phare
Name of Client: Republic of Bulgaria
Project Dates: 09/2006 – 12/2007
Project Value [EUR]: 721.610
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 10
Staff provided: 14
Name of partners, if any: IAK AGRAR Consulting GmbH Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development
Project Description:
The overall objective of the project was the preparation of the Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to administer the assistance for rural development under the CAP, as part of the preparation to EU accession.
The specific objectives of this contract were:
Quality up-to-date sector analyses prepared to assist the Rural Development Directorate of MAF in the preparation of the measures from the post-accession Rural Development Plan 2007-2013
Setting up the monitoring information system and operational data-base on rural areas for the post-accession Rural Development Plan 2007-2013.
Services provided:
• Sector analyses
• Define monitoring & evaluation indicators for the measures included in the post-accession Rural Development Program 2007-2013, reflecting the deficiencies identified in SAPARD
• Define expected values (results) of monitoring and evaluation indicators
• Review of current systems for collecting, processing and analyzing SAPARD monitoring data
• Define the necessary primary data about indicators
• Building upon the current SAPARD monitoring system, design of software in Bulgarian and English and set-up of the monitoring database for the projects under the RDP 2007-2013
• Test monitoring database software
• Prepare manuals in Bulgarian and English about monitoring data base software and provide training (4 seminars for 40 people 2 days each) on monitoring & evaluation of RDP
• Review of the current regional statistics database related to rural areas
• Identification of the regional primary data for economical and social development indicators
• Design of software in Bulgarian and English Prepare manuals in Bulgarian and English about regional statistics database and provide training (4 seminars for 40 people 2 days each) on monitoring regional rural development
Integrated Development Project in the Dobrich Region under the Special Preparatory Programme for Structural Funds in Bulgaria
Country: Bulgaria
Origin of Funding: EU Phare
Name of Client: Ministry of Agriculture
Project Dates: 10/1999 – 11/2001
Project Value [EUR]: 784.310
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 6
Project Description:
The Project targeted the practical testing of institutions and staff responsible for the implementation and management of SAPARD/Structural Funds at national, regional and local basis and the learning by doing the necessary skills for the Pilot Project contained one measure in order to improve dairy hygiene in accordance to the Directive 92/46 of the European Union. The beneficiaries of the Project under administrative strengthening were the Regional State Fund Agriculture, the National Agricultural Advisory Service, the Veterinary Service, the National Centre for Selection and Animal Reproduction, the Agency for Regional Development and Investment and the Municipalities of the Dobrich Region.
Up to the end of the project 47 applications of reimbursement were submitted by dairy farmers of the Dobrich Region. The resulting amount of investments contracted under the project is BGN 1,046,175. The Project successfully provided a large number of recommendations and lessons learnt for the practical implementation of Structural Funds in Bulgaria.
Services provided:
• Preparation & Implementation of a Mini-Operational Programme
• Production of an operational manual, brochures and application forms
• Mobilization of large number of field staff (more than 15 advisers) for implementation of the programme
• Administrative Capacity Building (by know how transfer and training)
• Study tour to EU-member states
• Public awareness campaign
• Monitoring of the improvement of milk quality in dairy farms
• Development of an extension service for dairy farms on the improvement of milk quality and the preparation of application in order to obtain EU structural funds.
Economic development in the food sector in Croatia
Country: Croatia
Origin of Funding: German Ministry of Economic Co-operation and Development (BMZ)
Name of Client: Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
Project Dates: 03/2006 – 10/2006
Project Value [EUR]: 36.698
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 1
Project Description:
The overall objective of the project was to support the food industry of Croatia to approximate EU standards. On micro level the project supports the improvement of specific traditional Croatian food.
The Consultant gave technical assistance and training to the local meat producers to adapt the products to the new markets and to improve the product and production standard.
Advisory to the association of Kulin for strengthening the association and support to the protection of origin of their products.
Introduction to European standards (i.e. HACCP) and certification, promotion of exports and new technologies
Services provided:
• Training in food hygiene, good hygiene practice and implementation of HACCP;
• Technical assistance to support the building of an advisory centre for small and medium-sized meat (Kulen) producer in the region Slavonia;
• Training and coaching of a local expert at the Kulen advisory centre;
• Development of adisory tools inclusive HACCP manual; Information and consulting on meat processing technologies according to EU standard;
• Information and consulting on marketing and export promotion;
• Carry out one week study tour to EU member states (standards of meat production, protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for meat products according to relevant EU directives, development of high value regional food chain structures and concepts, advisory systems, ecological meat production, implementation of new EC food hygiene law, etc.)
Improvement of Porc Production Systems in Pärnu and Viljandi Counties
Country: Estonia
Origin of Funding: EU Phare
Name of Client: Estonian Ministry of Agriculture Viljandi and Pärnu
Project Dates: 1996 – 1999
Project Value [EUR]: 450.000
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 50
Staff provided: 11
Project Description:
The project was aiming to improve the Porc Production Systems in in the regions of Paernu and Viljandi. Specific advice was given to the large scale farm of Ekseko near Viljandi in order to improve their economic situation and to adapt their production system to the relevant legal requirements in regard to animal health, environment, animal welfare and product quality. A training programme for medium-sized farms was developed and implemented together with the Estonian agricultural advisory service.
Services provided:
• Ecologically safe Production of Pork
• Improvement of Feeding efficiency and Meat Quality
• Improvement of Feeding Technology and Feed Quality
• Management and Economics of Pork Production
• Training of Pig Production Specialists and Extension Personnel
• Assistance in slurry storage, handling and distribution technology
Evaluation of the milk and meat value chains in African partner economies: market environment, potential and investment opportunities
Country: Multi Country
Origin of Funding: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Name of Client: German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Project Dates: 12/2019 – 12/2020
Project Value [EUR]: 236,569
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 55
Staff provided: 6
Name of partners, if any: GFA Consulting Group
Project Description:
The Global Project Fund for Agricultural Policy Advice and Innovation (FABI) supports political decision-makers in partner countries in developing and implementing agricultural and trade policies, promoting innovation that will improve the agri-food sectors in the partner countries.
The aim of the evaluation was to analysis the meat and milk value chains as well as to identify and substantiate potential business cases within the chain through innovation and investment.
In the partner countries Morocco, Tunisia, Senegal. Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, and Ethiopia milk and meat value chain analysis’ were conducted covering the following areas:
• Importance of Meat/Milk Sector in the Economy;
• Market Supply and Market Trends;
• Market Regulation;
• Production, Processing, Marketing;
• Inputs & Technical Equipment;
• Starting Points for additional Value Creation through Innovation and Investment.
The results were compiled in the evaluation report “Bewertung der Milch- und Fleischwirtschaft in den afrikanischen Reformpartnerländern: Umfeld, Marktpotenzial und Investitionschancen“ including country specific descriptions, analysis and business cases.
Services provided:
• Analysing local meat and milk value chains
• Identifying and evaluate business opportunities
• Assess business cases according to environmental and social impact
• Administrative activities: documentation and preparation of reports and short articles/papers for diverse media
• Knowledge management (Linking up the local and international experts)
• Value chain promotion
• Promotion of youth and women in agriculture value chains
• Capacity building
Green innovation centres for the agriculture and food sector – Technical Support and Coaching of the GIAE Dairy Expert Group (GDEG), Continuation Phase
Country: Multi Country
Origin of Funding: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Name of Client: German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Project Dates: 07/2020-12/2021
Project Value [EUR]: 99,981
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 3
Project Description:
The program „Green Innovation Centres“(GIAE) of the GIZ is an ongoing project of the BMZ operating in 16 primarily African countries focussing on increasing the incomes of smallholder farms and creating jobs in processing of agricultural products. The work in the 16 Green Innovation Centres is supported by a central coordination unit in Germany. In the partner countries Zambia, Tunisia and Kenya milk production is a prioritized value chain and supported with diverse country specific projects activities. In addition, the cooperation and the exchange of know-how among the partner countries is supported.
The focus on the VC Milk was specifically supported through the establishment of the “Working Group Dairy” from 2016-2018 and through the initiation of the GIAE Dairy Expert Group in 2019. Both programmes were professionally supported and coordinated through ADT Project Consulting GmbH with particular emphasis on practical relevance, international experience, broad networks, as well as high competence in the special topics of dairy cattle breeding and husbandry, animal health, animal hygiene, milking technology and milking hygiene, milk quality and quality control, and milk processing.
The goal of the continuation of the technical support and coaching of the GIAE Dairy Expert Group is to facilitate an independent and competent consultancy for specialists and executives in the Dairy VC of the partner countries Kenya, Zambia and Tunisia to enhance the income of small scale dairy farmers, employment and the supply with milk and dairy products through fostering proven innovations in the Dairy VC. Central are the exchange of know-how (South-South) and the establishment of expert networks in the partner countries. Additionally, the transfer of international know-how (North-South) will support the further development of the GIAE Dairy Expert Group.
The timely and successful implementation of the project is particularly dependent on the current situation around Covid-19. Online meetings and professional exchange via the Wiki platform are not impaired. However, travel restrictions completely prevent the planned experts workshop and the meeting of the expert group in Kampala / Uganda and make it necessary to develop alternative online formats.
Services provided:
• Contribution of know-how especially from the areas of animal breeding, animal health, hygiene in animal husbandry, quality and safety in the production of animal products, experience with small-scale animal husbandry, feed production, feed conservation and special animal husbandry, feeding, etc.
• Frequent organisation of the exchange of know-how between members of the GIAE Dairy Expert Group via online platforms
• Support the conception and implementation of the exposure visits to Germany and other countries as well as visiting trade fairs to serve as an information and network platform for participants from the partner countries
• Organisation of the annual expert meeting on a focus topic proposed by the participants of the GIAE Dairy Expert Group
• Takeover of an annual short information and course for young leaders from Africa as part of a postgraduate course
• Participation in annual meetings of the national focal points of the GIAE Dairy Expert Group as part of the GIAE regional conferences
• Support in the development and implementation of training and further education measures
• Support for the initiation of development partnerships with business partners
• Coordination meeting with GIAE steering group representatives
• Reports and short articles for various media (e.g. GIZ newsletter)
Green innovation centres for the agriculture and food sector – Working Group Dairy
Country: Multi Country
Origin of Funding: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Name of Client: German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Project Dates: 19.12.2016 – 31.12.2018 (main phase); 15.6.-10.2019; 15.11.-31.12.2019
Project Value [EUR]: 153,111
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 3
Project Description:
As part of its special initiative ONE WORLD – No Hunger, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has established green innovation centres in 14 partner countries for German development cooperation. The aim of the centres is to use innovation in the agriculture and food sector to increase regional food supplies, boost the income of smallholders, and to create more employment opportunities, particularly in the area of food processing. In the partner countries Zambia, Tunisia and Kenya milk is a prioritized value chain and supported with diverse projects. In India, particular measures are taking place to promote the milk value chain through training centers.
The “Working Group Dairy” was initiated in the framework of this global project to strengthen the exchange and cooperation between the countries and to develop synergies on the dairy value chain. ADT Project Consulting GmbH was commissioned by GIZ to provide technical support to the WG Dairy throughout the main phase of the programme from 2016-2018 and in two consecutive short phases in 2019.
The Working Group was focusing on the knowledge and information transfer via technical events, study tours, training opportunities and the online platform “Global Campus”. Specific objectives were to establish an active network for cross-country learning, facilitate knowledge sharing across projects, foster collaboration and cooperation among countries (South-South), Link up with German and international institutions that promote milk production, processing and marketing (North-South), and foster the transfer of proven innovations to other countries (up scaling and dissemination of best practices).
Key technical issues of common interest were: entrepreneurship skills in the milk value chain, milk hygiene, forage production (incl business model), dairy extension, training and dissemination, milk payment, producer group organisation, processing equipment, artificial insemination services and the development of the dairy value chain for small scale producers in short, medium and long term perspectives.
In 2019, the Working Group Dairy was reorganized to a GIAE Dairy Expert Group (GDEG) emphasizing training, cross-border learning and expert advice through the building of an expert pool and the initiation of an expert hotline. GDEG‘s membership was formalized with 20-25 members from the three countries Tunisia, Kenya and Zambia with a GDEG chair and country specific focal points.
Services provided:
• Communication with on-going DVC projects (exchange on the organisation and management of the WG Dairy)
• Technical backstopping to upcoming technical matters of the cross-country exchange between DVC projects (technical solutions for milk cooling with solar panels, exchange on water hyacinth silage trial, integration of business partners to DVC projects, exchange on training material and concepts)
• Facilitation of the WG Dairy online platform “Global Campus”, inviting and instruction of members, uploading of information, initiation of communication among members
• Mission to the DVC project in Zambia and Kenya (04 and 09/2017)
• Liaison with the DVC projects in Kenya, Tunisia and Zambia
• Preparation and active support to the exposure for stakeholders of the Tunisian DVC in Feldafing/Bavaria (10/ 2017)
• Participation in the Regional Conference in Nairobi (Kenya) in 12/2017, participation and technical support to the visit to the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Nairobi and the field day to Kisumu/Kenya
• Preparation and implementation of a technical workshop on training concepts and materials in DVC projects in Nairobi in 12/ 2017; analysis of results, reporting of findings
• Preparation and implementation of a 5 day technical workshop on milk quality, milk payment and contract management in the dairy value chain – legal framework, experiences, best practices – in 12/2018 in Tunisia
• Preparation and implementation of a 5-day technical workshop on practical training concepts in the dairy value chain in 12/2019 in Triesdorf/Germany
Organization and implementation of training activities on animal identification, registration and traceability under the “Better Training for Safer Food” initiative
Country: Multi Country
Origin of Funding: EUROPEAN COMMISSION – Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA)
Name of Client: Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA)
Project Dates: 12/12/2013 – 11/12/2017
Project Value [EUR]: 1,462,158
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 11
Name of partners, if any: Institut de l’Élevage (sub-contractor)
Project Description:
The Better Training for Safer Food (BTSF) program was designed predominantly to train staff of Competent Authorities of EU Member State involved in official control activities, particular in the areas of food law, feed law, animal health and animal welfare rules, as well as plant health rules.
The training activities on animal identification, registration and traceability started in 2014 with a first phase of two years which was extended by another two years phase to the end of 2017. The courses were addressed to employees of the Veterinary Administration and other authorities, which are responsible for the implementation and control of Animal IRT in their countries. A total of 560 professionals were trained from 2014 to 2017 and the 20 training sessions took place in five European countries (Germany, France, Poland and Portugal and Slovenia) and covered the legal and institutional framework as well as technical and IT matters on the optimization of animal identification, registration and traceability systems.
The training included theoretical instruction, case studies and practical group work. The focus of the workshop formed a one-day field day on which the practical implementation of the EU requirements of animal identification was conveyed to the European participants. The training concept and the comprehensive training material was elaborated in collaboration with 6 trainers / tutors from 4 different countries.
Services provided:
• Development of a training concept and of comprehensive training material in collaboration with 6 trainers / tutors from 4 different countries
• Administrative and technical execution of the training program at four different locations in Europe
• The training included theoretical instruction, case studies and practical group work. The focus of the workshop forms a one-day field day on which the practical implementation of the EU requirements of animal identification is brought the European participants.
The training course covered the following subjects:
Module 1: Legal base for Animal IRT: Union rules on the identification, registration and traceability of animals; Characterization of the legal provisions for each species in a matrix
Module 2: Practical Field Implementation: Workflows & demonstration of examples; tools and devices for animal identification; specificities of electronic identification and comparison of different electronic ID devices/methods for different species
Module 3: Control of Animal IRT: Requirements in horizontal legislation on control; Organisation of control of animal keepers and other control objects; Control procedures applied; Veterinary checks and movements across country borders
Module 4: Information System for Animal IRT: Basic outline of functionalities and components; IT-infrastructure and communication structure; Error handling; Specific functionalities (traceability functionality, risk analysis, on-spot control and cross-compliance control, systematic testing); Integration and linkage with other information systems on animal health, food safety and premium payments
Module 5: Use of Animal IRT for Animal Health: Conceptual framework and epidemiological basics; case studies of four diseases (bTB, FMD, Brucellosis Melitensis, BTV); optimisation of Animal IRT systems for animal health purposes
Module 6: Context and Outlook for Animal IRT: Stakeholders of animal IRT systems; Costs and financing of animal IRT systems; Outlook on future requirements and integration of Animal IRT legislation in the Regulation (EU) 2016/429 (‘Animal Health Law’); Identification of starting points for the optimisation of animal IRT systems
Technical Assistance to define the strategic plan for the future of EuroGenomics
Country: Multi Country
Origin of Funding: CONAFE (ES), CRV Holding (NL) , DHV (DE), VIT Germany, UNCEIA (FR), VikingGenetics (SE)
Name of Client: CONAFE (Spain), CRV Holding (Netherlands), DHV (Germany), VIT Germany, UNCEIA (France), VikingGenetics FMBA (Sweden)
Project Dates: 11/2011 – 03/2012
Project Value [EUR]: 6.931
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 1
Project Description:
EuroGenomics is a partnership of the Confederatión des Asociaciones de Frisona Espanola (CONAFE), CRV Holding B.V. (CRV), Deutscher Holstein Verband e.V. (DHV), Vereinigte Informationssysteme Tierhaltung w. V. (VIT), Union Nationale des Coopératives d’Elevage et d’Insémination Animale (UNCEIA) and VikingGenetics FMBA.
The parties agreed to undertake a joint effort to increase the reliability of cattle breeding and to share and make available for each other estimated breeding values derived from reference animals as well as genomic data and related software. The exchange has been specified in an annual partnership contract.
The consultancy was aiming to elaborate a vision and strategy for the new EuroGenomics by establishing joint services for genomic/genetic evaluation. The findings were summarized in White paper on the future of the EuroGenomics partnershipwhich was handed over to the partners for further consideration.
Services provided:
• Conducting interviews and SWOT analysis
• Elaboration of a proposal for the vision and future tasks, the legal base, the organizational set-up and business model for a future EuroGenomics
• Conducting workshops and reporting to partners
• Revision and optimization of the service package
The Animal Identification and Traceability Solution Platform
Country: Multi Country
Origin of Funding: Federal office for Agriculture and Food (BLE)
Name of Client: German Ministry of Agriculture and Food (BMEL), Federal office for Agriculture and Food (BLE)
Project Dates: 10/2011 – 05/2015
Project Value [EUR]: 1,080,201
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 53,6
Staff provided: 8
Name of partners, if any: Unternehmensberatung Dr. Karb GmbH
Project Description:
Animal Identification and Traceability (AIT) of terrestrial farm animals, feral animals and wildlife is the target of a big ongoing global effort of (a) the competent veterinary and food safety authorities, (b) members of the value chain (producers, input suppliers, traders, slaughter enterprises, product processors, wholesale and retail traders), and (c) the support services such as local and regional livestock services and relevant information systems.
As a result of more than 15 years in the relevant area, ADT Projekt GmbH and Unternehmensberatung Dr. Karb GmbH established the “Animal Traceability Solutions” (ATS) – Platform. The development of the platform was supported by the German Ministry of Agriculture and Food within their innovation program managed by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food. The going-public of the platform took place in 2012 ( The platform targets all organizations and institutions involved in the planning, implementation or operation of animal traceability systems. The objective is to provide technical assistance and to share experience between partners. The platform is developed and maintained by an international network of senior consultants who have been involved in traceability projects in Europe, Africa, the Caribbean and Asia.
The ATS platform is the entry point to manage and improve the different fields of application in order that incremental costs for setting up and operation of AIT are more than offset by incremental benefits. Costs and benefits arise in various subsectors such as for animal health, food safety, production recording and production management, breeding, animal genetic resources, governance, stock theft, supporting pastoralists and animal welfare.
The objective of the platform was to provide assistance which leads to an efficient process for the planning, preparation and implementation of a system for animal identification and traceability including the relevant information system. Relevant parts of the knowledgebase customized and adapted in the course of a technical assistance project was handed over to the customer at project end. In addition, the customer received a customized software in order to run the information system on his infrastructure.
Services provided:
1. Development and compilation of technical modules for the knowledge base with the following contents:
• Reference information (register of terms and abbreviations; overview on standard setting organizations relevant for AIT etc.
• Tools for identifying the most effective AIT system
• Tools for specifying AIT information systems (i.e. standards for the definition of the functional Requirements of AIT system)
• Tools for preparing AIT systems, i.e. draft legislation
• Tools for supporting the implementation of AIT systems (Training material, templates)
• Tools for analysing the performance of AIT systems
2. Application of the developed platform in a pilot region in Tanzania
3. Revision and optimization of the service package
Support to the Restructuring and Strengthening of cattle breeders and producers associations as business representative organisations in Central and Eastern European Countries
Country: Multi Country
Origin of Funding: EU Phare
Name of Client: European Association for Animal Production (EAAP)
Project Dates: 01/2001-12/2002
Project Value [EUR]: 1.472.950
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 20
Staff provided: 15
Name of partners, if any: see below
Project Description:
The aim of the Project was to assist national cattle producers’ and breeders’ organisations from Central and Eastern European countries as representatives of single enterprises and local associations to·
adjust their legal status, structures and activities to the Single Market rules and the EU-standards and norms on farm animal (cattle) breeding,·
transfer existing professional support activities and functions from the state to producers’/breeders’ associations,·
improve the existing associations by introducing new activities, technologies and services to their members.
The beneficiary countries concerned by the Project were Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Partners from the EU member states were Austria, Germany and Italy.
Services provided:
• Training activities on EU-Regulations and on Acquis Communautaire (including animal identification and registration, veterinary health, integrated administration and control system, quality of animal products, producer groups, marketing of animal products)
• Organisation of an international workshop on the Financial management of cattle breeders’ associations in the EU
• Practical training and Internship in EU Partner Organisations
• Secondments of experts
• Assistance to the establishment of networking and joint operations
• Institution development and capacity building
Modernization of Agricultural Knowledge and Information System (MAKIS) in the South-West and parts of North-West Region of Romania
Country: Romania
Origin of Funding: Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development of Romania / PMU MAKIS / World Bank
Name of Client: University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Timisoara
Project Dates: 10/2008 – 03/2010
Project Value [EUR]: 165.172
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 6
Name of partners, if any: (sub-contractor of USAMV Timisoara)
Project Description:
ADT as sub-contractor of the Romanian University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (USAMV) of Timisoara provided services for the preparation and implementation of four-weeks training of 400 extension and advisory specialists in Romania in the South-West and parts of North-West Region and in setting up a Training and Information Centre in the Region (] ).
The main objectives of this project were to improve the capacity of the research, extension and food safety specialists to better serve the needs and improve competitiveness of farmers/producers and processors in the context of EU accession, to increase access of farmers and processors to knowledge on technologies related to production, quality control, food safety, processing and marketing in order to meet the EU requirements.
Services provided:
• International project coordination
• Project management and backstopping
• Training Needs Assessment (TNA)
• Elaboration of training plans, Curricula and course materials
• Support the implementation of 20 four-weeks training courses of 400 extension and advisory specialists, 4 two-week training courses for 80 food inspectors and 2 one-week training courses for 40 agriculture researchers in the South-West and parts of North-West Region of Romania
• Support training quality management and the evaluation of training results and impact
• Support to develop the strategy for setting-up a sustainable Training and Information Centres (TIC) in South-West and parts of North-West Region of Romania
• Support to the elaboration of project progress and final reports
Modernization of Agricultural Knowledge and Information System (MAKIS) in the North-West and Central Region of Romania
Country: Romania
Origin of Funding: Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development of Romania / PMU MAKIS / World Bank
Name of Client: University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca
Project Dates: 10/2008 – 03/2010
Project Value [EUR]: 137.223
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 6
Name of partners, if any: (sub-contractor of USAMV Cluj Napoca)
Project Description:
ADT as sub-contractor of the Romanian University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (USAMV) of Cluj-Napoca provided services for the preparation and implementation of four-weeks training courses of 400 extension and advisory specialists in Romania in the North-West and Central Region and in setting up a Training and Information Centre in the Region (] ).
The main objectives of this project were to improve the capacity of the research, extension and food safety specialists to better serve the needs and improve competitiveness of farmers/producers and processors in the context of EU accession, to increase access of farmers and processors to knowledge on technologies related to production, quality control, food safety, processing and marketing in order to meet the EU requirements.
Services provided:
• International project coordination
• Project management and backstopping
• Training Needs Assessment (TNA)
• Elaboration of training plans, Curricula and course materials
• Support the implementation of 20 four-weeks training courses of 400 extension and advisory specialists, 4 two-week training courses for 80 food inspectors and 2 one-week training courses for 40 agriculture researchers in the North-West and Central Region of Romania
• Support training quality management and the evaluation of training results and impact
• Support to develop the strategy for setting-up a sustainable Training and Information Centres (TIC) in North-West and Central Region of Romania
• Support to the elaboration of project progress and final reports
Promotion of modern Milk Recording and Milk Quality Monitoring Systems in Romania
Country: Romania
Origin of Funding: BMZ (German Ministry of Economical Co-operation and Development)
Name of Client: German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
Project Dates: 04/2007 – 09/2008
Project Value [EUR]: 468.142
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 73
Staff provided: 13
Name of partners, if any: AFC Consultants International GmbH (Germany)
Project Description:
The project was supporting the development and country-wide extension of modern milk recording and milk quality monitoring systems in Romania by technical assistance and training.
The general objectives of the project were to improve milk hygiene and milk quality standards in Romania to converge to EU standards and legislation.
Main target groups of the project are:
Milk producers and milk processors of Romania
Managers and technical staff of milk recording & milk quality monitoring organisations/association
Managers and technical staff of raw milk laboratories
Milk sector experts of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), the Public Veterinary Administration (ANSV) and the National Agency for Animal Production & Reproduction (ANARZ)
Technical assistance and training was covering in particular the following topics:
Milk hygiene, advisory support and packages for dairy farmers to improve milk quality and milk production standards, international trends in milk production, international standards of animal recording according to ICAR, EU food hygiene legislation and EU milk quality standards, procedures of milk recording and milk quality monitoring, routine methods of milk testing, laboratory analyses, raw milk laboratory management and networks, reference laboratories incl. quality assurance, logistics of professional milk quality control, data processing and analysis, cost effectiveness factors in milk control and routine laboratory analyses, development of pricing and payment procedures as well as milk quota management procedures.
Services provided:
• Technical assistance and policy advice to milk sector experts of the MARD and the National Veterinary Service
• Institution building / organisation development
• Training needs assessment and preparation of training modules
• Organisation and delivery of several training courses (country-wide) for dairy farmers, managers and technical staff of organisations/associations responsible for milk recording & quality control, staff of raw milk laboratories, managers and technical staff of milk processors, milk sector experts of MARD and the Veterinary Administration
• Organisation of study tours and practical training in Germany
• TA to improve the framework necessary for adapting the procedures of milk control and milk quality monitoring according to EU, respectively to ICAR ( standards
• Organisation of several conferences, workshops and information campaigns related to milk sector issues
• Elaboration, print and delivery of several professional brochures on topics related to milk hygiene and improvement of milk quality standards according to EU and Romanian legislation.
Vocational training for the development of competencies related to agricultural methods aiming at protecting the environment and to maintain the rural landscape
Country: Romania
Origin of Funding: Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development of Romania & SAPARD Programme
Name of Client: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Project Dates: 02/2007 – 11/2007
Project Value [EUR]: 553.656
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 49
Staff provided: 20
Name of partners, if any: InWEnt gGmbh, Germany
Project Description:
The general objectives of the project were to:
promote the introduction and continued use of agricultural practices that are environmentally-friendly and which are going beyond the Good Farming Practices
develop practical experiences, skills and abilities for implementing agro-environment measures
enhance the environmental awareness of farmers and other land users
Specific project objectives:
Development of ecological agriculture technologies in plant and animal production as method that protects the environment and is also sustainable from the economic point
Preserving the bio-diversity and the landscape value of pastures, including the pastures with a high natural value that are threatened by change in land use, due to intensification of agriculture and/or to abandonment
Improving the water and soil resources management by farmers, including in those area affected by severe soil erosion processes or exposed to nutrient losses
Assimilating rules, principles and methods related to the ecological agricultural production in plants and animal fields
Acquiring and developing competencies in agro-environment field for:
Prevention and reduction of water and soil pollution due to inadequate agricultural practices
Conserving the soil in areas affected by the erosion process
Conserving biodiversity
Increasing the number of plots that respects the standards of ecological agriculture
Create understanding of the requirements of new EU Agro-Environment Payments
Services provided:
• Training needs assessment
• Design training concept including logistics (25 regions and 25 courses for 575 trainees)
• Selection and mobilisation of large teams of international and local experts/ trainers
• Preparation of training materials related to the requirements of new Agro-Environment Payments (sub-measures: 1. Ecological Agriculture, 2. Extensive Pastures Management/ Biodiversity and 3. Soil and Water Protection) for the period 2007 – 2013
• Carry-out course promotion/media campaign activities at national and regional level
• Set up qualified trainer teams including train the trainer courses
• Selection and mobilisation of trainees in 25 regions
• Carry-out 25 one week courses related to: 1. Ecological Agriculture, 2. Extensive Pastures Management/ Biodiversity and 3. Soil and Water Protection
• Organise and implement monitoring and evaluation procedures
• Operational management of project implementation and backstopping
• Provision of lessons learnt and policy advice to the Contracting Authority (MAFRD) for future training programmes
Development of Private Cattle Breeding Organisations and Services in Romania
Country: Romania
Origin of Funding: BMZ (German Ministry of Economical Co-operation and Development)
Name of Client: German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
Project Dates: 04/1997- 09/2004
Project Value [EUR]: 3.107.700
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 50
Staff provided: 25
Name of partners, if any: AFC Consultants International, Germany
Project Description:
This Project target was the institutional development of the National Romanian Cattle Breeder Associations (AGCTR) by restructuring and modernising technical livestock services and initiating commercial trade activities on local, regional and national level. The technical livestock services includes the introduction of a system of cattle identification, registration, the operation of a cattle data base, milk-recording, herd-book, artificial insemination and livestock consultation. In addition, livestock marketing and the provision of farm inputs are developed and consolidated as trade activities of the Cattle Breeder Association and national and regional level .
Services provided:
• Advice and Assistance in the privatisation, modernisation and improvement of cattle breeding services
• Organisation Development
• Training of the association’s staff in technical and managerial fields
• Advice in the harmonisation of the Animal Breeding Legislation to EU-standard
• Conceptional development and implementation of services for cattle breeders to improve the profitability of dairy farms in Romania
• Development of breeding programmes for black- and white Holsteins, Fleckvieh and Brown Swiss
• Maintenance of milk control and recording animal data processing and herd-book keeping
• Improvement of A.I.-services
Technical Assistance for Strengthening Information and Advisory Support to SAPARD-Applicants through ANCA
Country: Romania
Origin of Funding: EU Phare
Name of Client: Ministry of Public Finance – Central Finance and contracts Unit (CFCU)
Project Dates: 12/2004 – 10/2005
Project Value [EUR]: 373.347
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 90
Staff provided: 20
Name of partners, if any: Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry in Salzburg
Project Description:
The general project objectives were to ensure an effective use of SAPARD aid, and to maximize the Programme`s positive impact, to increase the absorption capacity of SAPARD funds, and to strengthen the administrative and managerial capacity of the National Agricultural Extension Agency (ANCA). ANCA should be urgently enabled to assist a critical mass of applicants for SAPARD aid to design and implement projects financed through decentralised EU assistance programmes. Main project activities were:
To increase the capacity of final beneficiary of the programme to successfully access the community funds by increasing their knowledge and capacity to formulate projects proposals;
Reinforcement of professional competence of personnel in ANCA at central level and County Agricultural Extension Centres (OJCA) country-wide, by provision of technical assistance and training of trainers, in view of raising the advisors` ability to offer specialised consultancy and coaching to potential beneficiaries of SAPARD projects (identification of the potential investments, elaboration of the SAPARD application forms and assistance over the SAPARD projects implementation period);
Training in Project Cycle Management (PCM) for the ANCA personnel involved in the implementation of SAPARD measure 4.1 Vocational training;
Support in the elaboration of training needs assessment and training plans for ANCA staff;
Transparency of SAPARD implementation in Romania is also to be increased, through provision by ANCA of adequate information and consultancy to rural producers.
Services provided:
• Training needs assessment
• Elaboration of training plans and course material
• Mobilization of large teams of international and local trainers
• Training and technical assistance
• Carryout country-wide training courses for 200 agricultural advisors
• Establishing methodological packages with model projects
• Coaching and supervising the local adviser teams to support potential SAPARD beneficiaries in accessing SAPARD funds
• Multiplication & dissemination of methodological packages and model projects
• Institution development
• Assessment of ANCA’s institutional needs
• Carry-out study tour to Austria and Germany
Technical Assistance for the Development of Milk Recording Association in Brasov
Country: Romania
Origin of Funding: German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
Name of Client: Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and RD of Romania (MAFRD) and Milk Recording Association Brasov (APCL)
Project Dates: 01/2005 – 09/2006
Project Value [EUR]: 306.812
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 70
Staff provided: 10
Name of partners, if any: AFC Consultans International GmbH, Germany
Project Description:
By this project, vocational training was provided to 920 pig farmers in Poland. The vocational training improved qualifications in the field of modern production technologies with regard to the EU standards, which aimed to an increase in production efficiency and increased competition with highly efficient farms in the EU. The project provided 920 pig farmers of Poland with knowledge on CAP in pig sector and EU requirements on quality of slaughter pigs and pork. Besides country-wide training in Poland more than 80 pig farmers participated in a one week study tour to Germany.
The project included training courses including lectures and workshops for slaughter pig producers, study visits to high technical level pig farms (both local and foreign study tours) on technological issues of pig industry, zoohygienic conditions, environment protection at farms according to EU standards, EU standards for ecological pig production, design of buildings and technology according EU legislation, veterinary preventive treatment, as well as book-keeping, investment planning and general management of farms with pig production.
General objectives of the project:
To prepare slaughter pig producers for profitable running of farms specialising in high quality production of slaughter pigs which meet the EU quality standards.
To expand knowledge serving the purpose of improvement of capital management, investment, credit giving for development including technological progress in farms and other elements important for the process of preparation of farmers of slaughter pigs for new requirements connected with future integration with the EU.
Services provided:
• Mobilization of large teams of international and local trainers
• Elaboration of training concept and briefing of trainers
• Elaboration of course materials
• Recruitment of training participants
• Carry out country-wide training courses for 920 farmers (6 days including seminar sessions, workshops and farm visits)
• Training and briefing of local trainers
• Organisation and management of several study tours in Poland and in Germany
• Organisation and management of national conference
• Project organisation and management
• Preparation of brochures and training manuals.
Organisation and Management of Vocational Training Courses for Russian Dairy Herd Managers
Country: Germany, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan
Origin of Funding: OOO GEA Westfalia Surge Moscow, Agrarlis GmbH
Name of Client: Westfalia Surge, Agrarlis GmbH
Project Dates: 03/2006 – 10/2011
Project Value [EUR]: 650.293
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 30
Staff provided: 14
Name of partners, if any: Agriculture Training Centre Haus Düsse, Several Large Dairy Farms in Germany
Project Description:
The objective of the training activities was to improve the knowledge of Russian dairy herd managers to enable them to implement modern production and management standards.
Key areas of the training were:
Cattle breeding
Raising quality of milk production
Milk hygiene and udder health
Milk quality and milking technology
Dairy herd management including management tools
Fodder production and feeding systems
Management of large dairy herds
Veterinary services and prophylaxis for dairy farms
Fertility management of dairy cows
Cow comfort and construction of modern barns
Management of calves and heifers
Claw trimming
Economic aspects of successful dairy farm management
Services provided:
• Training needs assessment and preparation of training concept
• Organisation and management of several intensive training courses: 4-weeks training courses in Germany which include 2-weeks training at the agricultural training centre Haus Düsse in North-Rhine-Westphalia and 2-weeks practical exercises & training on several large dairy farms in Germany
• Selection and mobilisation of trainers
• Preparation of training materials and translation to Russian language
• Organisation of logistical arrangements of training activities
• Organise and implement monitoring and evaluation procedures of training activities
• Operational management of project implementation and backstopping
• Contract management and accounting
Consultancy on the organization of the umbrella organizations of German Cattle Breeding
Country: Germany
Origin of Funding: German Cattle Breeders Association (ADR)
Name of Client: German Cattle Breeders Association (ADR)
Project Dates: 01 – 03/2013
Project Value [EUR]: 10.976
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 1
Project Description:
The consultancy was part and contributed to a strategic planning of the organized German cattle breeding representation.
Services provided:
• Analysis of the tasks in ADR and other umbrella organizations with preparation and introductory talks with managing directors of the different organizations, conducting interviews with the employees of the involved organizations, documentation and evaluation of the results, realization of a workshop with managing directors of participating associations and final documentation)
• Preparation and moderation of closed-door meeting with member organizations
Consultancy service for further development of Allgäuer Herdebuchgesellschaft (AHG)
Country: Germany
Origin of Funding: Allgäuer Herdebuchgesellschaft (AHG)
Name of Client: Allgäuer Herdebuchgesellschaft (AHG)
Project Dates: 10/2010 – 10/2011
Project Value [EUR]: 11.373
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 1
Project Description:
Consultancy service for further development of Allgäuer Herdebuchgesellschaft (AHG)
Services provided:
• Analysis of the organizational structure and services of the association for members and other stakeholders
• Conducting of a survey and elaboration of a prognosis on major conditions including market and competition
• Identification of needs for action / starting points for a future development of AHG
• Preparation of a draft interim report and discussion of the findings with the board of AHG
• Preparation of a Final report and presentation of the findings to the advisory board and the assembly of members
Workshop „Perspectives of the milk recording associations in Germany – Challenges, strategies and tasks”
Country: Germany
Origin of Funding: German Cattle Breeders Association (ADR)
Name of Client: German Cattle Breeders Association (ADR)
Project Dates: 12/2006 – 03/2007
Project Value [EUR]: 2.800
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 1
Project Description:
The objective of the workshop was to undertake an analysis on the current situation of milk recording associations in Germany and to elaborate a strategy for the future development.
Services provided:
• Moderation of the workshop
• Analysis of strengths and weaknesses
• Discussion about the challenges of the new livestock breeding law: organisational and structural consequences for the recording associations (introduction of new tasks, cost efficiency of offered services, cooperation with breeding organisations and other partners etc.)
• Drafting of three models for future cooperation with breeding organisations
Strengths and Weakness – Analysis of the German Hybrid Pig Breeding Programme (BHZP)
Country: Germany
Origin of Funding: BHZP Cooperation Union
Name of Client: BHZP Cooperation Union
Project Dates: 07/2003 – 12/2003
Project Value [EUR]: 22.400
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 1
Project Description:
The objective of the contract was to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the German Hybrid Pig Breeding Programme (BHZP) and to provide information to the members of the BHZP Cooperation Union to determine the future pig breeding strategy in the competitive environment.
Services provided:
• Strengths and weaknesses analysis of the current system
• Analysis of future framework on pig production in the EU
• Analysis of pig market development in EU member states and impacts on pig breeding programmes
• Potential analysis of the pig breeding programme BHZP
• Elaboration of workshop
• Advice on future strategy
• Reporting
Monitoring the health of small ruminants
Country: Albania
Origin of Funding: EU Phare
Name of Client: Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Project Dates: 10/2004 – 10/2007
Project Value [EUR]: 1.597.526
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 40
Staff provided: 5
Name of partners, if any: Agrotec (Italy), AHT (Germany)
Project Description:
The project purpose was to improve the legal framework, identification and registration of small ruminants, better animal disease intelligence and the accreditation of the Central Veterinary Laboratory (IKV) in order to increase sheep and goat production as well as improve food safety.
In line with the global project purpose aiming at interventions in the field of veterinary legislation, animal identification and farm registration, veterinary epidemiology, and laboratory management, the project was subdivided into 5 major components:
• The small ruminant I&R (identification & registration) project component (B)
• The veterinary epidemiology project component (C)
• The veterinary laboratory (IKV) project component (D)
• The Information Technology project component (E) and
• The I&R and veterinary legislation project component (F)
The legislation component comprised training courses on veterinary and animal health legislation and technical assistance on the assessment and drafting of animal health legislation (incl. tables of correspondence and impact studies).
Services provided:
• Preparation of an legislative and regulatory framework for an EU-compliant small ruminant I&R system
• Preparation and introduction of an Animal ID system for small ruminants in the Southern part of Albania (including design and procedures for tagging of ear tags, data capture, central database, hardware, training, awareness campaign and others)
• Assessment of the disease surveillance system and introduction of preventive control measures
• Identification and assessment of training needs of central and field veterinarians in epidemiology, development of a training programme
• Introduction of an QMS system and preparation of the certification and accreditation of the Veterinary Institute
• Provision of problem-oriented professional training and up-grading at the Veterinary Institute
• Changing of the existing IT solution for bovine I&R by inclusion of a Web-client in order to allow remote data entry and data retrieving through the Internet
• Introduction and testing of a comprehensive IT solution for the animal disease management
• Assessment of relevant existing veterinary legislation with regard to EU-compliance and amending of existing legal documents including I&R legislation
Milk sector study in the Republic of Albania for the preparation of IPARD programme
Country: Albania
Origin of Funding: EU and German Government
Name of Client: GTZ International Services, Brussels
Project Dates: 01/2010 – 04/2010
Project Value [EUR]: 20.472
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 1
Project Description:
The overall objective of the assignment was to contribute to the preparation of the programme for agriculture and rural development for the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance in Rural Development (IPARD) for the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection (MAFCP), Republic of Albania.
The specific objectives of this assignment were:
• The preparation of a sector study for the dairy sector in Albania in compliance with the regulatory frameworks set by the acquis communautaire and the Common Agriculture Policy, CAP.
• The preparation of a SWOT analysis related to the dairy sector
• The formulation of observations, findings and recommendations for IPARD implementation in the Republic of Albania.
The activities contributed to establish and strengthen the institutional and administrative capacities in the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection to implement the IPARD programme (Capacity Building for Implementing the Rural Development Strategy). Important focus of the study was to analyse the situation in the milk sector related to food safety, environment protection, animal welfare and overall competitiveness and to identify measures to come closer to EU standards.
Services provided:
• Establish table of contents for the milk sector study
• Technical coordination of local experts and counterparts
• Preparation of questionnaires for field visits (cattle, sheep and goats farms, milk processors)
• Collection of statistical data and other quantitative and qualitative information of the milk sector (milk production and processing, overall farm structure, milk market chain, markets etc)
• Identification of national legislation / standards regarding food safety, public health, environmental protection, animal health and welfare, occupational safety relevant for dairy sector
• Carry out field visits related to the dairy sector
• Elaboration of SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threatening) for milk production and milk processing
• Carry out proposals for milk sector support relevant for the IPARD programme in Albania
• Preparation of milk sector study according to the requirements of EU and technical reports for GTZ
• Drafting the IPARD Measure Sheets and Templates for measure 1 and 2 from the point of view of the relevant sector.
TAIEX Workshop on zootechnical measures in Tirana
Country: Albania
Origin of Funding: TAIEX
Name of Client: GTZ International Services, Brussels
Project Dates: May 2007
Project Value [EUR]: 1.500
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 1
Name of partners, if any: Agrotec (Italy), AHT (Germany)
Project Description:
The aim of the TAIEX workshop was to inform and discuss various topics in the framework of the EU Zootechnical legislation for approximation of these provisions into the Albanian law. Several examples on the organisation of animal breeding in member states were given to demonstrate the several strategies on the application of the legislation under different conditions in the member states. The workshop focussed particularly on animal breeding and was intended to help Albania in preparing its own regulation on herd book breeding.
Services provided:
Presentations were given on the following items:
• Example of approved Breeding Organisations: Organisational structures of breeding organisations in Germany with an overview of their scope of activities, financial management and state support and an outlook on other species (horses, pigs, sheeps and goats)
• Performance Testing and Approval for Breeding – Experience from Germany: (1) Procedures for registration, milk recording, data processing and genetic evaluation, (2) Breeding programmes for Holstein, (3) Breeding programmes for Fleckvieh (Simmental)
Strengthening of Dairy Farming Competences for the Sustainable Development of Milk Production in Kazakhstan
Country: Kazakhstan
Origin of Funding: German Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Name of Client: BMEL/GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Project Dates: 12/2021 – 10/2024
Project Value [EUR]: 2,500,000
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 50
Staff provided: 3 long-term experts, about 25 short-term experts
Name of partners, if any: IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH
Project Description:
The aim of the project is to support the Kazakh government in the expansion of milk production with specific emphasis on modern, sustainable, competitive and animal welfare oriented production systems.
The cooperation project between Germany and Kazakhstan is funded on the German side by the Federal German Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).
The consortium, comprising of ADT Project Consulting GmbH (lead partner) and its partner IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH was commissioned to carry out the project on behalf of BMEL.
On the Kazakh side, key partners are the Department of Production and Processing Livestock Products of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan as political partner and the Research and Innovation Center of Animal Husbandry in Nur-Sultan as well as the Agrarian Credit Corporation (ACC) as institutional key partners.
During the first months of project implementation, up to 15 dairy cattle farms will be selected together with the Kazakh project partners in the northern region of Kazakhstan as pilot farms. The capacity building activities are in particular directed on the regions North Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, Akmola and Kostanay. The main focus is on small and medium-sized commercial oriented dairy farms which want to expand and at the same time improve their dairy farming business. But also newcomer in small and medium-sized commercial dairy farm business can be supported as pilot farm. Those pilot farms will be intensive consulted and the staff trained by the project to strengthen production processes, production standards and finally the output of high quality milk.
The experience gained from the intensive consultation and capacity building activities with the selected pilot farms and the associated optimization of the production systems will be continuously used to strengthen the advisory skills and competences of the institutional project partner organizations in Kazakhstan as well as to facilitate the investments in the sector for an integrated, sustainable, competitive development of the dairy farming sector in Kazakhstan. Thereby the project will support the successful implementation of the long-term sectoral program for the development of dairy farming for 2018-2027 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
For more details see:
Services provided:
• Elaboration of baseline study (SWOT Analysis) on the current situation of extension & advisory services for dairy farms and on the services related to the implement public investment support programs of the dairy sector in Kazakhstan;
• Elaboration of Training Needs Assessment (TNA) for different target groups and service providers in the dairy sector;
• Strengthening the professional competencies of institutions & services involved in dairy sector development in Kazakhstan;
• Elaboration of training programs/modules and implementation of training programs for dairy farm advisors, dairy farm managers and technical staff of dairy farms;
• Capacity building and institutional development related to extension & advisory services for dairy farms and on the implementation of investment support programs for dairy farms;
• Promotion of approaches to achieve modern, competitive, sustainable and animal welfare oriented milk production systems/farms;
• Preparation and implementation of comprehensive support capacity building support program for selected pilot dairy farms in Northern regions of Kazakhstan;
• Organization of internships and exposure visits of Kazakh dairy farm advisors and dairy farm managers to Germany;
• Policy advice to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan to strengthening of dairy farming competences for the sustainable development of milk production in Kazakhstan.
DAZ – German Agrarian Training and Information Centre in Kazakhstan
Country: Kazakhstan
Origin of Funding: German Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Name of Client: BMEL/ GFA bilateral cooperation programmen
Project Dates: 11/2010 – 12/2019
Project Value [EUR]: 3,512,270
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 35
Staff provided: 5 long-term experts, several short-term experts and trainers
Name of partners, if any: Eastern Europe Department of University Hohenheim/Nuertingen-Geislingen University (HfWU), DEULA Network, Germany
Project Description:
The aim of this Public-Private Partnership (PPP) project was to provide practical knowledge and skills to specialists and farm managers in Kasachstan and to support the further development of the education and vocational training system in Kasachstan in agriculture sector. Overall activities were the establishment and operation of a German Agricultural Training and Information Centre in North-Kasachstan to provide training, information and field demonstration of modern farm technologies in crop production, fodder production, handling of farm machinery and cattle production.
ADT implemented the project together with the University of Hohenheim / Nuertingen-Geilingen University and DEULA Network Germany. Further partners were agribusiness companies who provided modern technologies, machinery, equipment, seeds, animal genetic or other production means for innovative farms in Kasachstan.
The project implementation partner in Kasachstan was the National Agrarian Scientific Educational Center (NANOC) of the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan. NANOC was responsible for agricultural research, extension and training in agriculture sector.
The project provided training, information and practical demonstration for staff of agricultural enterprises and agricultural education & training institutions in Kazakhstan to support the successful introduction of modern technologies. From 2011 to 2019, 348 seminars with a total of 7,383 participants were implemented. Each year a field day on more than 40 hectares were organized close to the DAZ center in Chaglinka close to the city Kokschetau about 300 km north of Astana.
The seminars in cattle sector (milk and beef production) covered forage production in dry areas, cattle feeding management, reproduction management, animal health & veterinary services, cattle breeding, milk hygiene and udder health, hoof trimming, construction and re-construction of cattle barns, suckler cow management, herd management, work organisation and controlling, farm economics and further topics.
In 2019, the concept of taking over and continuation of activities of the DAZ for the period after termination of the BMEL funding was further implemented. Since 2018, the management of the DAZ was been handed over to the local management which has since been proving the successful implementation of the planned project acitivities. More information on:
Services provided:
• Establishment of an German Agricultural Training and Information Centre in Kasachstan (DAZ)
• Institution building of training centre for modern agricultural technologies
• Elaboration of annual training programme with partners of the project
• Curricula development and elaboration of tailor-made training courses for farm managers, technical farm workers and trainers of the agricultural education and training institutions
• Recruitment of trainers and participants for training courses
• Provision of an extensive training programme and trainers in Kazakhstan for modern agriculture technologies
• Advisory support to innovative farms to optimise their production technologies
• Organisation of field days to demonstrate improved agriculture technologies under practical conditions
• Cross-linking DAZ with Kazakh organizations in the livestock sector
• Implementation of specific vocational training for the different target groups (grain, oil seeds, forage, potato, handling machinery, milk production, beef production)
• Support to the cross-linking with the German agribusiness.
Strengthening of Public Veterinary Services
Country: Kosovo
Origin of Funding: European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR)
Name of Client: Kosovo Public Veterinary Services
Project Dates: 06/2002 – 03/2005
Project Value [EUR]: 1.369.689
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 30
Staff provided: 3
Name of partners, if any: GRM International BV, GFA Terra Systems GmbH
Project Description:
The aim of the project was to:
support livestock production, trade and veterinary public health by improving animal health surveillance, disease control programmes and veterinary border inspection;
improve food safety and thus consumer protection, by assisting in the implementation of monitoring and surveillance of food of animal origin, drug and residue surveillance and control of food imports;
ensure appropiate standards of animal welfare by monitoring and providing advice to animal husbandry (livestock and pet animals), by monitoring of stray cats and dogs, animal transport and livestock slaughtering practices.
The Project covered all aspects relevant for the institution building and strengthening of a public veterinary administration such as:
Prevention and control of transmissible animal diseases (list A and B OIE)
Development of identification and movement control system for cattle and sheep
Border inspection post control
Drug and residue surveillance
Food and hygiene control
Ante and post mortem meat inspection in slaughterhouses
Animal welfare
Veterinary drug licensing
Capacity building for the Kosovo veterinary laboratory
The project included a veterinary and food safety legislation component and provided technical assistance tot the drafting of veterinary and food safety legislation in the areas mentioned above.
Services provided:
• Prevention and control of transmissible animal diseases (list A and B OIE) and zoonotic diseases
• Identification and movement control system for cattle and sheep
• Border inspection post control
• Drug and residue surveillance
• Food and hygiene control
• Ante and post mortem meat inspection in slaughterhouses
• Animal welfare as it applies to animal and food of animal origin production
• Veterinary drug licensing
• Capacity building for the Kosovo veterinary laboratory
• Strengthening of the KVS in its organisation and effective structure
• Development of a comprehensive veterinary legislation
• Preparation of a longer term strategy for the development of the KVS (Kosovo Veterinary Service)
Promotion of Sustainable Economic Development: Approach to Promote Beef & Merino Sheep Production
Country: Kyrgyzstan
Origin of Funding: German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
Name of Client: Ministry of Agriculture
Project Dates: 04/2009 – 05/2009
Project Value [EUR]: 25.730
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 2
Project Description:
The aim of this project was to analyze the beef value chain with its stakeholders, marketing channels, flow of commodity (live animals & beef), price development, production systems and related profitability, and to examine improvement options including organization, services, marketing, financing and policy. A similar however very quick review has to be done on Merino sheep production. Industry issues and questions to be answered by the project were defined, and improvement paths identified through interviews with key informants, through field missions and by participating in a stakeholders’ workshop organized by the project. One of the authors looked particularly into the animal health and food safety situation. The report was based on own interviews, reports of the GTZ project and reports of other projects (WB, EU; etc.).
Services provided:
• Analysing the beef value chain
• Analysing the value chain for Kyrgyz merino sheep wool
• Analysing the animal health and food safety situation
• Recommendations for strengthening the beef and merino sheep sector
Development and Implementation of agri-environment measures
Country: Macedonia
Origin of Funding: European Delegation in Skopje (EU IPA)
Name of Client: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy (MAFWE)
Project Dates: 11/2010 – 05/2012
Project Value [EUR]: 676.191
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 65
Staff provided: 3
Name of partners, if any: Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen, Geodetski zavod Celje d.o.o. (GZC), GISS d.o.o.
Project Description:
The specific objective of the project was to provide TA to the MAFWE and the IPARD Paying Agency in order to strengthen the national and regional capabilities that are required to tackle the priorities for EU alignment and market-orientated reforms and development in the sector, focusing in particular on development and implementation of Agri-environmental measures.
The results were:
Further alignment achieved in the field of agri-environmental legislation
National legislation approximated to the EU Acquis in the area of agri-environment; and
Regulatory background developed and adopted.
Development and implementation of agri-environmental policy and associated administrative capacity
National Agri-Environmental Programme developed;
Pilot agri-environmental measures implemented by the IPARD PA; and
Administrative structures competent to deal with the tasks emerging from EU integration in the sector.
Development of IPARD PA capacity to manage and control agri-environmental support programmes
IPARD PA capable to manage/control agriculture funds dedicated to Agri – Environmental measures; and
Methodology for payment calculations and agri-environmental schemes on farm level developed by/for the IPARD PA.
Reference person at Delegation of European Union in Skopje: John Barker, Programme Manager for Agriculture Fisheries and Rural Development, Tel + 389 2 32 48 579,
Services provided:
• Assessment of legal and regulatory framework for Agri-environment measures (AEM)
• Assist alignment of primary and secondary legislation relevant for AEM
• Assist drafting specific legislative documents for MAFWE and Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MoEPP)
• Training needs assessment and preparation of training programs on different topics related to AEM
• Preparation and implementation public awareness campaign
• Elaboration of pilot measures and sub-measures to be funded under the IPARD program
• Facilitation of the consultation process with relevant stakeholder in the country (environmental NGOs, farmer associations, extension services, scientific institutions etc.)
• Preparation of detailed regulations for pilot Agri-environment measures under IPARD and support approval process
• Assist accreditation process of Paying Agency for AEM
• Development of Agri-environmental management and information system as part of the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS)
National Animal Identification Programme, Phase II
Country: Macedonia
Origin of Funding: European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR)
Name of Client: The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry of Macedonia
Project Dates: 11/2004 – 04/2007
Project Value [EUR]: 984.534
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 50
Staff provided: 11
Name of partners, if any: GFA Consulting Group GmbH, Germany
Project Description:
The project consisted of three components:
1. Completion of the bovine I&R system in line with relevant EU and FYR Macedonian legislation including all components at field level and in the central database. (The target was to achieve that more than 90% of the cattle population are tagged, identified, registered and their movements recorded.)
2. Preparation of a detailed concept, system design and implementation plan for extending the present I&R system to ovine and caprine animals in line with EU legal requirements; harmonization of the relevant legislation; design of a small ruminant holding census; establishment of a sheep and goat holding register.
3. Preparation of a concept, system design and implementation plan for developing an integrated animal I&R and veterinary surveillance network, including agreed solution, technical design, workflow and information flow, data model and tender documents for procurement of all system components; elaboration of a veterinary information system for all ruminants at the individual holding, herd/flock and animal level; the design should have taken into account the future development of other VD and Ministry systems such as a complete animal holding register (pigs and others), concept of farm register (integrated for all farms or separate animal farm register), integrated administration and control system (IACS) and GIS.
Services provided:
• Provision of hands on management assistance to first tagging and registration of all cattle, updating of holding information, entry and validation of data on the central data base.
• Assist in planning and monitoring of first tagging which will took three to five months during the winter period when cattle are housed in stables.
• Identify needs, design and provide further training as required for farmers, slaughterhouse operators, field veterinarians, inspectors, and central HQ staff
• Support to establish a functioning and sustainable I&R Unit
• Design and introduce computer based budgeting and accounting system for I&R operations and develop a financing concept to make I&R system operations progressively independent from the treasury from 2007 onwards
• Prepare a realistic concept in compliance with EU requirements relating to sheep and goat I&R
• Preparation of an implementation strategy, including: procurement timetable, hardware and software installation and testing programme, training requirements, awareness and publicity campaigns
• Define additional software functions required by the Veterinary Directorate for both I&R and veterinary surveillance
Strengthening of Veterinary Services FYR Macedonia – Harmonisation of Veterinary Legislation with the Acquis Communautaire
Country: Macedonia
Origin of Funding: European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR)
Name of Client: Public Veterinary Inspection Service of FYR Macedonia
Project Dates: 12/2003 – 11/2004
Project Value [EUR]: 194.991
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 80
Staff provided: 8
Name of partners, if any: Hunting Technical Services Ltd. (HTS), England; GFA Consulting Group, Germany
Project Description:
The global objective of the project was to strengthen the legal and operational base of FYR Macedonia public veterinary services with a view to meeting the government’s obligations under the Stabilization and Association Agreement, thereby improving the country’s animal and veterinary public health status and safeguard its trade relations.
The specific outputs of the project were:
Analysis of the legal framework (in particular the requirements of the FYR Macedonian constitution to have any restriction of individual freedoms of the citizans laid down in primary legislation); Analysis and extraction of EU legal veterinary documents; Elaboration of a long-term legal approximation programme to the EU veterinary acquis
Drafting of a new Veterinary Law
Chapter One on the organisation and operation of the veterinary sector, comprising, inter alia, the State veterinary service with field and border inspections; Integration of the official veterinarian into the law; Intergration of the approved veterinarian; the national veterinary reference laboratory; the establishment of crisis centres and contingency (crisis) plans in preparation for the outbreak of epizootic diseases; the information system and the veterinary chamber
Chapter Two on National Disease control and eradication
Chapter Three contains a comprehensive collection of EU veterinary acquis provisions on the import and transit of animals and products of animal origin
Chapter Four provides for the absorpion of the new legal framework into the FYR Macedonian Annual order of the State for preventing and eradication contagious and parasitic diseases in animals
Chapter Five, Supervision, Chapter Six, Sanctions and Chapter Seven, Final Provisions are integrating the new legal substance into the FYR Macedonian veterinay structures and legal norms
Preparation of an Impact study, Preparation of tables of correspondence , Public presentation of the draft law, Preparation of a Certified translation from English into Macedonian of the draft Veterinary Law
Services provided:
• Preparation of a new EU-Acquis compliant Veterinary Law
• Assessment of the cost of implementation, institutional implications and training requirements
• Preparation of the format, framework, estimate of expert time and other input requirements for the drafting of priority secondary legislation to be based on the new Veterinary Law. This included a proposal for structure, mechanism and workflow model for a legal unit in the Veterinary Directorate(VD) capable of managing further alignment with the Acquis with a minimum of outside direction.
Establishment of a National Animal Identification System
Country: Macedonia
Origin of Funding: European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR)
Name of Client: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy
Project Dates: 06/2002-12/2004
Project Value [EUR]: 691.780
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 50
Staff provided: 6
Name of partners, if any: GFA Consulting Group GmbH, Germany
Project Description:
The Project was aiming to support the livestock sector in its efforts to comply with international standard requirements, particularly in relation to the establishment of national animal identification systems. The Project should assist the State Veterinary Service to achieve the veterinary surveillance network in the country as required by the EU legislation and to define the requirements for the national cattle I & R system, complying in all respects with EU legislation and international standards (i.e. database, ear tags, passports, farm registers, movement reporting, tracing etc).
The roll-out of the system including first tagging and registration has successfully started in the end of November 2004.
In that time, the I&R law became the first legal act in the agriculture and food sector harmonized with the EU Acquis and which was successfully enacted by the Macedonian Parliament.
Services provided:
• Preparation of an evaluation report of pilot projects in three municipalities
• Elaboration of a Strategy plan for the implementation of the I&R system in the country including the organisational structure, communication plan, the functional design of the I&R system and a draft for technical architecture of the hardware
• Assistance in the development and implementation of a computerized database system
• Training of technical staff and end-users
• Review and draft relevant legislation for the bovine I&R system
• Preparation and Implementation of publicity strategy
Improving Food safety in the Republic of Moldova
Country: Moldova
Origin of Funding: Deutsche Gesellschaft für international Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Name of Client: National Food Safety Agency (NFSA)
Project Dates: 08/2016 – 04/2018
Project Value [EUR]: 451,642
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 65
Staff provided: 15
Name of partners, if any: GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Project Description:
The overall objective of the GIZ programme was to increase consumer food safety by strengthening the capacity of the National Food Safety Agency (NFSA); and to facilitate international trade in livestock and their products in the Republic of Moldova (following the signing of the EU Association Agreement in 2014 and the related Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) that aimed to provide a framework for a comprehensive harmonization of the Moldovan food safety system with the Acquis Communautaire). The project supported the NFSA to ensure food safety, from production of animal products to the distribution of food of animal origin to Moldovan consumers, and eventually to export these products into the EU.
The services provided in this project supported the GIZ programme in all aspects to achieve this overall objective. The project activities strengthened the competence and capability of the NFSA in the relevant areas improving their required competence to perform official controls of food products of animal origin in compliance with the provisions of the Moldova-EU Association Agreement.
Services provided:
1. Assistance in elaboration of a quality management system and development of working procedures:
• Drafting a quality management manual based on ISO 17020 standard, develop 30 working procedures to ensure processes are in line with EU requirements and ISO/IEC 17020 (for inspection bodies)
• Assessing poultry, eggs and milk establishments on willingness to undergo the up-grading process for the EU market
2. Training of Inspectors:
• Develop training content for short courses for FS inspectors
• Providing training to NFSA staff on the application of the draft working procedures (HACCP-control was a substantial part in the training of inspectors)
• A total of 363 inspectors were trained
• Preparing the risk based inspection criteria and planning-focused approach to animal origin food
• Drafting of annual inspection programs and sampling plans
3. Quality assurance through internal audits:
• Assessment of the NFSA internal audit system
• Providing a series of trainings for the NFSA auditors at the central and regional level; 67 staff were trained
• Follow-up – evaluation of the implemented recommendations from the internal audit reports
4. Implementation of the EU recommendations and upgrading of animal origin food establishments
• Provided assistance to three poultry production establishments to upgrade production processes, establish HACCP and biosecurity systems
• Monitoring the implementation of the up-grading plans and processes
Preparation of a meat sector study for the IPARD Programme
Country: Montenegro
Origin of Funding: Deutsche Gesellschaft für international Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Name of Client: German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
Project Dates: 06/2010 – 10/2010
Project Value [EUR]: 60.491
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 4
Project Description:
The overall objective of the assignment was to contribute to the preparation of the IPARD programme for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MAFWM) of Montenegro.
The specific objectives of this assignment were:
The preparation of meat sector study in Montenegro in compliance with the regulatory frameworks set by the acquis communautaire and the CAP.
The preparation of a SWOT analysis related to the meat sector
Identification of constraints and areas for interventions
Formulation of observations, findings and recommendations for IPARD implementation in the Republic of Montenegro.
The activities aimed to contribute to establish and strengthen the institutional and administrative capacities in the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection to implement the IPARD programme (Capacity Building for Implementing the Rural Development Strategy).Reference person at GIZ: Mrs. Ute Dannenmann
Services provided:
• Proposal of a detailed work plan including a data and information collecting methodology reflecting the data availability and data needs in order to prepare the sector study, including descriptions of data collection methods appropriate for the preparation of the sector study.
• Desk studies
• Design and adjustment of data collection methodology in detail and design of questionnaires
• Field work (statistical analyses, stakeholder interviews, case studies, focus group meetings etc.)
• SWOT analyses
• Workshops and meetings to discuss findings and preliminary recommendations
• Stakeholder consultations
• Elaboration of the sector study
Animal Identification and Registration (I&R) Montenegro Phase II
Country: Montenegro
Origin of Funding: EU CARDS
Name of Client: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MAFWM)
Project Dates: 08/2009 – 05/2011
Project Value [EUR]: 933.051
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 67
Staff provided: 13
Name of partners, if any: Unternehmensberatung Dr. Karb GmbH; Institut de l’Elevage
Project Description:
The overall objective of the project of which this contract has been a part was to improve food safety standards of animal origin. The scope of the Consultant’s work was technical assistance and institution building support.
The project aimed to strengthen the formerly started bovine I&R system and to expand the concept to sheep and goats. This included the creation of a computerised holding register of sheep and goat holdings in line with EU standards and the review and harmonisation of legislation and the development for an integrated animal I&R and Veterinary Information System (VIS) including animal disease surveillance for bovine, ovine and caprine species including detailed implementation, staffing and financial plans and obtain approval for this system with the possibility of future expansion to other animal species.
The amended I&R Law and the Rulebook for small ruminants were published. Movement reporting (including slaughter declaration) of local Montenegrin cattle increased considerably (+61%). The farmers cleaned their cattle register for correct subsidy application.
The country-wide small ruminant tagging and the related field operations started in the beginning of April 2011. As per mid June 2011, the database reported that 164,234 small ruminants were tagged.
The project modelled the eradication workflows for four major diseases (Brucellosis of bovine, Brucellosis of small ruminants, Leucosis of bovine and TBC) in close co-operation with the beneficiary using a standardized form (Business Process Modelling Notation/BPMN). Parts of the VIS were tested together with tagging, sample management (blood samples were taken) and the LIMS. The VIS became productive by the beginning of 4 May 2011.
Services provided:
• Support of the I&R Unit of the VD in operating the newly introduced bovine I&R, assist in improving and completing the system where necessary
• Complete /Update Bovine I&R legislation in line with current EU legal requirements i.e. illegal livestock markets, animal carcass rendering, home slaughtering. The primary I&R Legislation (I&R Law) has been amended with provisions for small ruminants in accordance with EU legal provisions, which were presented in a ToC (Table of Correspondence). Preparation of secondary legislation (Book of Rules) for ovine and caprine I&R in line with current EU legislation.
• Design the sheep and goat holding register and I&R system
• Procurement of IT equipment, supplies and services and securing its delivery, installation and operation for holding register, I&R and a laboratory information system; software development and integration of components in a veterinary information system (VIS)
• Create awareness with stakeholders and the general public of the expanded I&R and VI systems, including the preparation of training materials and handbooks and publicity / print materials
• Provision of appropriate training for participants at all levels to make the VIS operational with respect to I&R of the bovine, ovine and caprine species and veterinary disease surveillance
Development and Implementation of an animal identification system in Republic of Montenegro
Country: Montenegro
Origin of Funding: EU CARDS
Name of Client: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MAFWM)
Project Dates: 03/2006 -03/2008
Project Value [EUR]: 960.752
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 70
Staff provided: 20
Name of partners, if any: GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Project Description:
The overall objectives of the project were to
improve the development of the livestock sector in Montenegro ensuring the protection of animal health and control of veterinary public health and to
facilitate the introduction of an EU-compliant food safety control system for products of animal origin enabling full traceability of all animal movements (stable-to-table approach).
The specific objective included the development of a concept, system design and implementation plan for an integrated animal I&R and veterinary surveillance network. The project had to create a computerised register of cattle holdings that meets current EU standards and that forms a model for future extension to other livestock. The holding register has to be usable for different agricultural management databases. Further, an integrated system of identification and registration of cattle in line with EU standards had to be implemented. The computerised system should include comprehensive recording of all births, deaths, slaughters and movements, and should have the capacity to interface with other agricultural systems so as to avoid duplication of data collection.
Services provided:
• Assist the MAFWM to develop and implement a national policy and strategy for animal I&R and movement control
• Drafting of an Animal I&R Law
• Preparation of system design and operating procedures
• Supply of equipment and materials
• Preparation of a communications strategy and training
• Initial holding and animal registration and ongoing operation of the system
Meat sector Study Montenegro
Country: Montenegro
Origin of Funding: German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
Name of Client: SMEDA
Project Dates: 05/2005 – 08/2005
Project Value [EUR]: 11.127
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 1
Project Description:
In collaboration with the Agency for Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEDA) the Consultant prepared a study on the meat sector in Montenegro. The study was aiming to support relevant stakeholders of the meat sector to develop a strategy for the further development of the sector. The study comprises beef, sheep meat, porc and poultry and analyzed the value chains from primary production to consumption. Special attention was given to the production of Njeguschi ham and future opportunities of marketing this product to EU member states.
Services provided:
• Preparation of a presentation on the meat sector in Germany and EU member states;
• Analysis of volume and growth of different sub-sectors of the meat production, processing and marketing chain (beef, sheep meat, porc and poultry) in Montenegro;
• Characterisation of value chains in the meat sector and assessment of constraints and opportunities for the further development of the meat sector in Montenegro;
• Analysis of the impact of tourism on the total meat consumption in Montenegro;
• Identification of constraints of raw material supply for the meat processing industry in Montenegro;
• Identification of key intervention areas for the further development of the meat sector in Montenegro;
• Organisation and moderation of a workshop with stakeholders of the meat sector
Contributions to the improvement of the value chain “milk” in Oblast Kaliningrad
Country: Russian Federation
Origin of Funding: BMELV Co-operation programme
Name of Client: BMELV
Project Dates: 11/2006 – 12/2012
Project Value [EUR]: 1.268.886
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 90
Staff provided: 15
Name of partners, if any: Institute for Animal Breeding at University of Kiel (CAU)
Project Description:
The German-Russian project aimed to increase the competitiveness of the dairy sector in the Oblast Kaliningrad in the Russian Federation and by this to contribute to the development of rural areas in the Kaliningrad region. The political project partner on the Russian side is the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery of the Oblast Kaliningrad. Operating partners are the milk producers’ association of Kaliningrad (APM), the National Technical University of Kaliningrad (KSTU) and the Animal Breeding Organisation of Kaliningrad (KTZ) which was founded within the framework of the project in 2009 as new service and extension provider for dairy farms in the Kaliningrad region.
The project programme included five major components:
Policy advice to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery and all involved parties within the value chain of milk production and processing
Planning, preparation and implementation of a commercial extension service for dairy farms in the Kaliningrad region
Training and education of farm management specialists
Establishment of new service provider for livestock breeding and production (KTZ)
Strengthening of the German-Russian co-operation in the dairy sector and dissemination of project results.
The Project contributed significantly to the overall development of the dairy sector in the Kaliningrad region and supported an increase of the milk production output by more than 20 % within the last three years.
Services provided:
• Analysis of the organisation of the dairy sector on macro-, meso- and micro level, identification of actors in the value chain of milk production and processing and their contribution to the overall output; monitoring and economic analysis of dairy farms, elaboration of a support programme for small scale dairy farms; improvement of services for analyses of feed quality and milk hygiene
• Policy advice to all involved parties
• Planning and preparation of a concept for setting-up an extension service for dairy farms in the Kaliningrad region
• Training of advisors in Russia and Germany
• Provision of technical lectures, practical training seminars and field days, which are well received by students and lecturers of the KSTU as well as by technical specialists and executive staff of milk producing enterprises covering forage production, feed analysis, feeding, reproduction, breeding, management, hygiene, milking, marketing and others
• Planning and introduction of a commercial service provider for livestock breeding and production with the following services: extension on cattle breeding, extension on farm management and economics of milk production, milk recording, milk laboratory analysis, artificial insemination, claw trimming, reproduction services
• Organisation of seminars and conferences on dairy sector development
Improvement of Food Safety and Consumer Protection in the Russian Federation (Phase 2)
Country: Russian Federation
Origin of Funding: GFA / BMELV
Name of Client: Federal Service for Consumer Protection and Human well-being (Rospotrebnadzor)
Project Dates: 11/2006 – 04/2010
Project Value [EUR]: 781.386
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 9
Project Description:
The bilateral German-Russian project had the objective to provide technical assistance and advice to Russian Ministeries and Institutions who are responsible for food safety and consumer protection. The main beneficiary on the Russian side was the Federal Service for Consumer Protection and Human well-being (Rospotrebnadzor). Further partners in the implementation of the project were the working group on technical regulation of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the National Institute for Technical Regulation (NITR), the Federal Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology (FGUS) and the Institute for Food of the Russian Academy for Medicine. In addition, the project was collaborating with the territorial administration of Rospotrebnadzor in the region Perm and the municipality of Togliatti in Oblast Samara on the development of consumer advice offices. The project programme focused on giving advice on Food Safety legislation in conjunction with the Law for Technical Regulation, on food inspection and the improvement of consumer protection by enlargement of the consumer information and consultation.
Following the adoption of the executive law for Technical Regulation by DUMA the Project provided comprehensive statements on the following drafts:
Technical Regulation on food safety (basic law)
Technical Regulation on meat (Regulation)
Technical Regulation on food labelling
Technical Regulation on food for infants and young children
Technical Regulation on food additives
The project initiated and established a professional co-operation between the Food Institute of the Russian Academy for Medicine (RAMN), the Federal Centre for Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Russian Federation (FGUS) and the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) covering the methodology and the scientific research on risk assessment related to biological safety, food safety, safety of substances and product safety.
Services provided:
• Legal advice on the elaboration of Technical Regulations for Food Safety and control mechanisms for food to international standards by provision of material like EU legislation and international standards and legislation, statements of German experts, organization of Round tables
• Training of Russian food inspectors and food laboratory specialists
• Support to the exchange of experience on risk assessment and management as well as the functionality of an early warning system and crisis management between German and Russian institutions
• Introduction of the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) to the Russian Federation (Setting- up a national contact point and introduction of the RASFF-window)
• Strengthening of capacities of the Federal Service in setting-up a co-ordination centre to support the network of more than 300 consumer advice offices in the Russian Federation
• Training of advisers of the consumer advice and information centers of Perm and Togliatti
Strengthening of Consumer Protection and Food Safety in the Russian Federation
Country: Russian Federation
Origin of Funding: German Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMVEL)
Name of Client: Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being
Project Dates: 09/2001 – 10/2006
Project Value [EUR]: 1.081.136
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 13
Project Description:
The Project was aiming to strengthen consumer protection and food safety in the Russian Federation by giving technical assistance and advice to Russian Ministries and institutions responsible for consumer protection and food safety. Project beneficiaries were the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being together with the Russian Federation Ministry of Health and Social Development, the Russian Federation Ministry of Agriculture (Veterinary Inspection), the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation and the national umbrella organization of the consumer associations in the Russian Federation, KONFOB.
The Project was providing an expert team of ten German short-term experts with competence in the field of EU food safety legislation, food control, organization of consumer associations, legislation on consumer protection and consumer as well as specific trainings, study tours and seminars. The project activities were implemented with the assistance of a permanent project office in Moscow with three Russian employees.
The Project started with an analysis of food safety and consumer protection regulations and procedures in Russia in comparison to EU and International standards. In specific working groups and round tables the German and Russian experts were elaborating proposals for adapting Russian food safety legislations to international standards and to strengthen Russian institutions involved in food safety control and consumer protection. Particular emphasis has been given to assistance on the drafting of technical regulations for food under the new law on technical regulations, No. 184-FЗ. The Project has elaborated a proposal for a systematic approach for the drafting of these regulations which facilitate an approximation to the current food safety legislation of the EU. Further the project provided specific statements on legal drafts of technical regulations for food prepared by their partners.
The Project has further carried out comparative studies on the food control system in the Russian Federation and Germany and elaborates proposals for the further development of food control in the Russian Federation which came partly already effective within the reform of Governmental administrations.
Together with the city administration of Togliatti in Samara Oblast the project has set up an office for the information and consultation of consumers on products and services. The development of the concept and the training of the three staff members was carried out in close collaboration with the Verbraucherzentrale in Lower Saxony/Germany.
Services provided:
• Analysis of food safety and consumer protection regulations and producers in Russia in comparison to EU and international standards
• Information on food safety legislation and institutions in the EU and Germany
• Analysis of food safety control institutions and procedures in Russia
• Advice on the strengthening of food safety control institutions and procedures to international standards
• Assistance in the harmonization of food safety and consumer protection regulations to international standards of EU and WTO
• Assistance in the establishment of a pilot consumer advice office in Samara and Togliattti
• Assistance to a Round Table on the strengthening of instititutions and associations involved in the representation and implementation of consumer rights in Russia
Strengthening of vocational training for agricultural advisory staff in the Russian Federation
Country: Russian Federation
Origin of Funding: GFA / BMVEL
Name of Client: Ministry for Agriculture of the RF
Project Dates: 10/2002 – 12/2007
Project Value [EUR]: 1.293.244
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 50
Staff provided: 8
Name of partners, if any: AFC Consultants International
Project Description:
The project was aiming to train future agricultural advisory staff and active junior advisors to be able to support agriculture enterprises with professional consulting. The training programme included extension & consultancy methodology and tools as well as technical know how to build up and to manage consulting services for agricultural enterprises. The training programme covered farm business analysis and farm planning, farm accounting, investment planning, credit, labour and farm organisation and management, marketing, production techniques in milk, meat, pork and crop production, mechanisation and resources saving technologies.
Services provided:
• Assessment of consultation needs of agricultural enterprises in Russia
• Assessing of training needs of agricultural advisors in Russia
• Curricula development
• Preparation and execution of training programme and modules for agricultural advisors
• Training management
• Monitoring and evaluation of training programme
• Support to the Ministry for Agriculture of the RF to implement further training structure for agricultural advisors
• Institution building
• Promotion and support of exchange of experience of agricultural advisory services in RF and other NIS countries
Development of Milk Production in the Oblast Moscow and the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation
Country: Russian Federation
Origin of Funding: GFA / BMVEL
Name of Client: Dairy Administration of Oblast Moscow and the Republic of Tatarstan
Project Dates: 1999 – 12/2005
Project Value [EUR]: 1.106.262
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 10
Project Description:
Development of agricultural consultany services for dairy farms in the Moscow and Tatarstan regions in co-operation with the dairy processing industry.
The main objectives of the project were the transfer of technical know how of milk production and the strengthening of managerial capabilities of milk production managers and economists of large scale dairy farms.
The consultation of the agricultural farms follows a systematic approach of combining technical and business aspects of dairy farm management in a continuous improvement cycle of analysis and implementation of improvements and their controlling of sustainable application. This process shall result in an optimisation of the milk production system combined with an increased profitability of the farm.
The project undertakes the following measures:
Introduction of a systematic methodology of analysing the profitability of milk production (application of a software programme Milk Manager)
Training of farm economists and zoo technicians in order to improve their technical and managerial skills in dairy farm management including business planning, human resource management and controlling,
Assisting in the optimisation of technical areas of dairy farm management such as cattle feeding, fodder production, milk quality, cow housing, calf raising, breeding and reproduction
Services provided:
• Development and implementation of a viable consultancy system for diary farms to achieve milk production and high quality of profitable milk
• Provision of education and training for agricultural advisers and farm managers
• Provision of consultancy in economical and technical areas of milk production
• Introduction of the dairy farm management and controlling systems Manager Milk
• Advice in cattle breeding, milk hygiene, fodder production herd management, veterinary
• Advice and assistance in the development of profitable milk production on large scale farms
• Initiation of a private advisory service for dairy farms
PPP Further Development of Modern Milk and Meat Production Technologies in the Russian Federation, Phase I and II
Country: Russian Federation
Origin of Funding: German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMELV)
Name of Client: Agricultural administration in Voronezh & other regions of Russia, Several hundred large cattle farms in RF
Project Dates: 10/08 – 03/12 & 04/12 – 12/14
Project Value [EUR]: 1,963,987 + private contribution
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 3 long-term experts and more than 20 short term experts/trainers
Name of partners, if any: German & Russian agribusiness partners (i.e. GEA Farm Technologies, EkoNivaGroup, BVN, HL), Dairy Farms etc.
Project Description:
The objective of this Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Project was to support the modernization of milk and meat production in different regions of the Russian Federation in order to establish effective farm management, to promote the adoption of best economically viable farming practices, to improve production/management standards of farms as well as to improve the quality of raw milk and slaughter animals.
Main activities were the provision of practice-oriented vocational training for dairy farmers and regional agricultural advisors and the delivery of advisory support to farms. More than 12 topics had been covered by the project (i.e. fodder production and conservation, feeding management, animal husbandry, stable construction & reconstruction and technologies, investment planning, milk quality and udder health issues, reproduction management and breeding, herd management, animal health, rearing healthy calves, farm economics, management of suckler cows and marketing of products.
Several practical guides, brochures and other information materials related to best dairy farming practices and technologies as well as for the management of suckler cows had been prepared by the project in phase I.
All project activities had been supported and co-funded by German and Russian agribusiness partners as well as by Russian farms who sent participants to increase the impact of project activities and the dissemination of information about best farming practices.
Services provided:
• Organisation and provision of training programme in over 20 regions of Russia for more than 3,300 Russian dairy and / or beef cattle farm managers & specialists, farm veterinarians & regional agricultural advisors;
• Development of training modules and methodology, recruitment of participants;
• Advisory support to dairy farms to optimise their production technologies and to promote the adoption of best economically viable farming practices;
• Organisation and management of field demonstrations and trials on livestock farms in co-operation with local partners;
• Preparation of practical guides, brochures and other information materials for farmers and agricultural advisors;
• Organisation of conferences, workshops and study tours abroad on different topics related to dairy and meat production development in the RF and dissemination of information about best practice n livestock farming;
• Management of integration and utilisation of know-how of private project partners.
Organisation and Management of Vocational Training Courses for Russian Dairy Herd Managers
Country: Germany, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan
Origin of Funding: OOO GEA Westfalia Surge Moscow, Agrarlis GmbH
Name of Client: Westfalia Surge, Agrarlis GmbH
Project Dates: 03/2006 – 10/2011
Project Value [EUR]: 650.293
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 30
Staff provided: 14
Name of partners, if any: Agriculture Training Centre Haus Düsse, Several Large Dairy Farms in Germany
Project Description:
The objective of the training activities was to improve the knowledge of Russian dairy herd managers to enable them to implement modern production and management standards.
Key areas of the training were:
Cattle breeding
Raising quality of milk production
Milk hygiene and udder health
Milk quality and milking technology
Dairy herd management including management tools
Fodder production and feeding systems
Management of large dairy herds
Veterinary services and prophylaxis for dairy farms
Fertility management of dairy cows
Cow comfort and construction of modern barns
Management of calves and heifers
Claw trimming
Economic aspects of successful dairy farm management
Services provided:
• Training needs assessment and preparation of training concept
• Organisation and management of several intensive training courses: 4-weeks training courses in Germany which include 2-weeks training at the agricultural training centre Haus Düsse in North-Rhine-Westphalia and 2-weeks practical exercises & training on several large dairy farms in Germany
• Selection and mobilisation of trainers
• Preparation of training materials and translation to Russian language
• Organisation of logistical arrangements of training activities
• Organise and implement monitoring and evaluation procedures of training activities
• Operational management of project implementation and backstopping
• Contract management and accounting
Technical Assistance to the Institutional Development in the Agricultural and Food Sector in the Russian Federation
Country: Russian Federation
Origin of Funding: TACIS
Name of Client: German Ministry of Agriculture
Project Dates: 2004 – 2005
Project Value [EUR]: 1.500
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 1
Name of partners, if any: Institute for Animal Breeding at University of Kiel (CAU)
Project Description:
The aim of this twinning project was to provide technical assistance to the Russian Institutions for Agriculture and Food on legal, institutional and organisational procedures.
Services provided:
• Technical assistance and consultation on EU and German animal breeding legislation
• Round table on EU animal breeding legislation, organisation and requirements for the establishment of herd-books and the entry of pure-bred animals into herd-books;
• Provision of an overview on the organisation of cattle breeding in EU member states (herd-book associations, artificial insemination stations, organisation of milk and beef recording)
• Preparation of an explanatory note on the German animal breeding law and provision of a translation for the Russian experts in the Russian Ministry of Agriculture
Technical Assistance for Animal Identification and Registration
Country: Serbia
Origin of Funding: EU CARDS
Name of Client: European Community for External Actions
Project Dates: 04/2008 – 04/2010
Project Value [EUR]: 1.362.621
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 57
Staff provided: 12
Name of partners, if any: GFA Consulting Group GmbH, Unternehmensberatung Dr. Karb GmbH, Landeskontrollverband NRW
Project Description:
The overall objective was to strengthen administrative capacity to develop an environment conducive to trade development. The results achieved by the project were:
Audit of I&R legislation, business processes and implemented software solution, analysis of cross-cutting issues aimed to implement bovine animal identification and registration Serbia in compliance with all the provisions of Title I of Regulation 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council as amended. After the implementation of the action plan using the findings and recommendations gained from the auditing process the Serbian identification and registration system of the bovine animals became fully compliant with EU requirements with regard to legislation, field operation, I&R controls and documentation i.e. on-Holding register, animal passport, health certificate, manuals for animal keeper, veterinarian and inspectors and for data entry by slaughterhouses. Control of livestock markets and of road controls started. Farm inspections were organized in 1,262 holdings selected out of 25,000 holdings based on a risk analysis. The on spotcontrols were carried out by 145 Veterinary Inspectors using a standardized check-list and correction measures were included as well.
Provision and implementation of a detailed action plan for the extension of animal identification and registration to small ruminants (as a minimum those covered by the provisions of Council Directive 92/102), pigs, horses and bees in compliance with relevant provisions of the acquis communautaire approved by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management. The I&R system for other species including small ruminants and swine was prepared to be in full compliance with the EU requirements with regard to legislation, field operation, I&R control for small ruminant, software development for field operation including movement registration for sheep, goats and swine and I&R controls of small ruminants including risk analysis, documentation i.e. on-Holding register, movement documents including workflows and forms, manuals for animal keepers, veterinarians and inspectors.
Development and implementation of a strategy for the exchange of data from animal identification and registration IT systems with other IT systems of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, other Ministries or other bodies involved of the public administration approved by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management
Services provided:
• Auditing: Conduct an audit of the implemented I&R systems for bovine animals, small ruminants and pigs including a review of provisions in the constitution and in the law of veterinary matters, provision of detailed tables of correspondence for relevant legislation on I&R for bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine animals and equidae species.
• Legislation: Drafting of the bovine I&R system legislation: Amendment of the Law on Veterinary Matters as far as I&R articles were concerned; preparation of the I&R Rulebooks for bovine, small ruminants, pigs, horses and bees including tables of correspondence
• I&R operation: Introduction of measures for the monitoring and improvement of the field operation of animal keepers and veterinarians for the bovine system; preparation of the I&R systems for other species
Awareness Raising: Organisation of six Regional Events and four national conferences for all stakeholders and launching of an awareness campaign with all 12 Veterinary Institutes of Serbia
• I&R control: Training courses for Veterinary Inspectors and 147 Inspectors and provision of a manual for the I&R controls on farms and for control of slaughter data entered by slaughterhouses. For the on spot controls of the bovine I&R, risk criteria have been defined.
• IT and software development: Consolidation of the database and integration of the I&R and the Veterinary Information System; integration of the Laboratory Information System
Sustainable development of the fruit and vegetable sector in Ukraine
Country: Ukraine
Origin of Funding: German Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Name of Client: GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Project Dates: 01/2023 – 12/2025
Project Value [EUR]: 5,000,000
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100%
Staff provided: 3 long-term experts, 2 Project Assistances, various short-term experts
Name of partners, if any: -/-
Project Description:
Aim of the German-Ukrainian cooperation project is the sustainable promotion of the development of the fruit and vegetable sector in Ukraine and especially in the Vinnytsia oblast to contribute to improved living conditions and food security. The project aims at the advice of key state institutions, the expansion of vocational education and training, and the promotion of strategic investments and business start-ups, to improve the production and marketing of fruit and vegetables in Vinnytsia oblast.
Targeted results of the project are
- to strengthen the legal and institutional framework for the production and marketing of fruit and vegetables in Vinnytsia oblast,
- to improve the offer in the field of vocational education and training as well as agricultural extension regardign fruit and vegetable growing in the Vinnytsia oblast and
- to develop and implement instruments for the financial promotion of strategic agricultural investments and business start-ups in the fruit and vegetable sector in the Vinnytsia oblast.
Political Partners of the German BMEL are the Ukrainian Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food (MAPE) and the Ministry of Education and Science (MBW).
Operative project partners are the Vinnytsia Oblast Regional State Administration, the Illintsi Agricultural College, and the WMZ VFPO.
Services provided:
The following services for the F&G sector are planned:
- Identification and prioritisation of consultation needs
- Establishment of a demand-driven mechanism to provide advisory services to key institutions (MAPE, MBW) in Vinnytsia
- Develop and publish recommendations for action on specific agricultural law and institutional issues
- Development of a regional strategy for the promotion of the F&G sector in Vinnytsia
- Organisation of events for the exchange of learning between governmental institutions Ukraine and Germany
- Carrying out a situation and needs analysis to identify existing vocational training
- Training and further education offers and needs for F&G growing in Vinnytsia, especially Illintsi College
- Support the relevant state authorities and institutions in the development of a regional strategy for vocational training
- Support the Illintsi College to develop and implement a concept/business plan for the establishment of a financially self-supporting agricultural extension centre
- Organisation of events for the dissemination of vocational education and training experiences from Vinnytsia in F&G
- Planning and co-financing of selected agricultural infrastructure projects at Illintsi college directly related to the F&G sector
- Development and implementation of an instrument to support farmers in setting up a business in the F&G sector
- Develop and implement an instrument to provide financial support to strategic agricultural investments in existing fruit/vegetable farms and other sector actors in Vinnytsia.
Improvement of Education at Agricultural Colleges in Ukraine – Phase II
Country: Ukraine
Origin of Funding: German Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Name of Client: GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Project Dates: 12/2021 – 12/2024
Project Value [EUR]: 1,859,940
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 55
Staff provided: 2 Long-term experts, about 75 short-term experts
Name of partners, if any: PPMA
Project Description:
In the second phase, elements of dual training are to be introduced on a pilot basis by improving the methods and content of practical training at agricultural colleges and teaching centres. The pilot testing of a technological internship on farms is to serve as preparation for the formal introduction at further colleges.
The main operational partner of the project remains the WMZ VFPO – the subordinate national authority for teaching in agriculture of the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science – and four selected agricultural colleges in different regions of Ukraine (Glukhiv, Lipkovativka, Illintsi and Myrohoschanskyi), which are complemented by selected teaching centres in this phase.
The project continues to consider the five disciplines of animal production, veterinary medicine (zoo technician), plant production, agricultural engineering and electrical engineering.
The practical and methodological training for college lecturers are continued and the teaching materials developed are made generally available.
Further information at:
Services provided:
- Pilot testing of the training standards, curricula and practice-oriented teaching methods developed in project phase 1 for the five disciplines of animal production, veterinary medicine (zootechnics), plant production, agricultural engineering and electrical engineering, and preparation for formal introduction at other colleges.
- Introduction of a compulsory four-month technological internship for college students on Ukrainian farms
- Continuation of the strengthening of the professional competences of college lecturers at universities through targeted practical and methodical further training measures
- Development of generally available teaching materials on modern, sustainable agriculture, including modules on plant health and plant protection as well as veterinary medicine, hoof health and system-relevant diseases
- Continuation of the implementation of technical information trips to Germany for lecturers, specialists and representatives of partner institutions
- Continuation of the implementation of the internship programme on German farms.
Improvement of Education at Agricultural Colleges in Ukraine – Phase I
Country: Ukraine
Origin of Funding: German Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Name of Client: GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Project Dates: 08/2017 – 07/2021
Project Value [EUR]: 3,608,646
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 55
Staff provided: 3 Long-term experts, about 75 short-term experts
Name of partners, if any: HfWU / PPMA
Project Description:
The objective of this bilateral cooperation project was to upgrade the educational standards and curricula at Agricultural Colleges in order to match better the high demand of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises of skilled young professionals.
ADT (lead company) together with two technical consortium partners – the Institute of Applied Agricultural Research of the Nürtingen-Geislingen University (HfWU) and the Company for Project and Process Management in Agriculture (PPMA) werw implementing the project since 08/2017 which was funded by the bilateral cooperation program of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). The project implementation is mandated for the period of four years.
Political partners in the beneficiary country were the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
Key operational partners of the project were the National Scientific-Methodological Center for Agriculture Education in Kiev (former AGROOSVITA) – which is the subordinate National Authority for Agriculture Education of the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science – and four selected Agricultural Colleges in different regions of Ukraine (Glukhiv Sumy region, Lipkovativka Charkiw region, Illintsi Vinnytsa region and Myrohoschanskyi Rivne region). In particular, they were assisted to improve educational standards and curricula, to introduce more practice-oriented elements into the education as well as with the supply of technical equipment.
The scope of the project included in particular the five professional specializations agronomy (incl. horticulture), agricultural machinery, animal production, veterinary medicine and electrical engineering.
College lecturers were regular trained in various topics related to animal production, veterinary, farm mechanization, agronomy and electrical engineering as well as a series of workshops on various topics to improve Technical Education and Vocational Training (TEVT) conducted. In particular, the provision of skills on modern farming practices was an important part of the training program.
For more details see:
Services provided:
• Adaptation of the training standards in the five specializations at 4 agricultural pilot colleges to international standard;
• Strengthening the professional competencies of college lecturers through targeted capacity building measures;
• Revision and updating of the curricula in the five selected specializations at participating colleges;
• Elaboration nans implementation of practice-oriented courses and modules in Ukraine;
• Improving of the technical training facilities of the National Scientific-Methodological Center for Agriculture Education in Kiev and at the participating pilot colleges;
• Support of internships, exposure visits and training of Ukrainian college students and of Ukrainian college leaders & lecturers in Germany and support networking with German educational institutions;
• Harmonization of agricultural Technical Education and Vocational Training (TEVT) system in Ukraine to EU / International standards;
• Capacity building and institutional development to the National Authority for Agriculture Education of the Ukrainian and to Agricultural Colleges in different regions of Ukraine;
• Policy advice to the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to improve TEVT system in agricultural sector in Ukraine.
German Agricultural Training and Information Centre in Ukraine (DAZ)
Country: Ukraine
Origin of Funding: German Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Name of Client: BMEL / GFA bilateral cooperation programme
Project Dates: 11/08 – 12/15
Project Value [EUR]: 2,436,238
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 25
Staff provided: 5 long-term experts, more than 20 short-term experts and trainers
Name of partners, if any: OEZ University of Hohenheim DEULA Baden-Württemberg
Project Description:
The aim of this Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) project was to provide practical knowledge and skills to specialists, agricultural advisors, trainers of agricultural schools and farm managers in Ukraine and to support the further development of the Ukrainian extension, education and vocational training system in agriculture sector. Overall activities were the establishment and operation of a German Agricultural Training and Information Centre (DAZ) in Ukraine. The agricultural enterprises, extension and educational institutions in Ukraine received better access to information and educational programs about practices and modern technologies for a more efficient, profitable and sustainable management of agricultural enterprises.
General training areas focused on modern cattle and pig production, crop production, fodder production and handling of modern farm machinery. With regard to livestock sector topics were breeding and reproduction management, animal feeding, forage production and conservation, housing, healthcare, welfare, cow comfort, hoof trimming, waste management, milking hygiene and milking technologies.
The target groups of the project were Ukrainian agricultural specialists and executive staff as well as Ukrainian agricultural advisors, teachers and trainers of the Ukrainian education system. More than 1,000 participants attended the training courses every year. From 2009 until 2015 nearly 10,000 participants have been trained in the DAZ centre. Each year a field day with more than 500 participants was organized close at the DAZ centre in Potasch, Cherkassy region, Ukraine.
In addition, the project supported the National Authority of the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to modernize educational programs, methodology and contents in agricultural sector.
ADT implemented the project together with the University of Hohenheim/University für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen and DEULA in Baden-Württemberg. About 20 agribusiness companies and members of the association AMTU were provided modern farm machinery, equipment, seeds, animal genetic or other production means for the training and demonstration of modern technologies. For more information see
Services provided:
• Establishment and management of the German Agricultural Training and Information Centre in Ukraine (DAZ), institution building and recruitment of experts and other staff;
• Vocational training for agricultural specialists on various topics related to dairy cow and pig management, crop production, farm mechanization and farm management;
• Consultancy on improved agriculture production systems;
• Organization of field days to show advanced technologies;
• TA to local, regional and national agric. advisory services and education institutions to update knowledge and skills;
• Training of lectures from local and regional agricultural education institutions and support to upgrade Curricula, training concept and training materials to EU / International standards;
• Capacity building and institutional development to the National Authority of the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to modernize educational programs, methodology and contents in agricultural sector;
• Public relation activities and establishment of cooperation between the relevant authorities and institutions
German-Ukrainian Agricultural Development and Investment Project (DUAP)
Country: Ukraine
Origin of Funding: GFA / BMVEL
Name of Client: Ukrainian Ministry of Agricultural Policy
Project Dates: 01/2000 – 12/2005
Project Value [EUR]: 1.462.700
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 20
Name of partners, if any: Deutscher Holstein Verband e.V. (DHV); Cattle Breeders’ Association of Aydin
Project Description:
The aim of DUAP was to improve the performance of Ukrainian agriculture and to support the process of transition. Focal points of the project work included the development of an agricultural consultancy service for farms and agribusiness enterprises, the provision of education and training for practioners and managers in agriculture, and the fostering of co-operation between German and Ukrainian firms. The experience gathered in the course of this work contributed to the improvement of the economic and legal enviroment for agribusiness enterprises in Ukraine.
The project DUAP provided tools, manuals and training for business development planning and keeps in the pilot regions contacts with several rural institutions to support a positive environment for sustainable agricultural investments and development.
The project provided also an intensive training programme for advisory staff includes extension & consultancy methodology and tools as well as technical know how to build up and managing consulting services for agricultural enterprises. The training programme covered farm business analysis and farm planning, farm accounting, investment planning, labour and farm organisation and management, marketing skills, production techniques in milk, meat, pork and crop production, mechanisation and resources saving technologies. Training programmes, field days, study tours and regular information through leaflets and information bulletins have also been provided to large numbers of farm managers.
The two established advisory services in Cherkassy and Vinnytsa have been developed to support farms to improve farm management capacity, the production technology, the procurement of production means and the marketing of agricultural products. Important topics of the consulting activities were the development of improved marketing concepts for agricultural products and to improve the procurement of necessary production means and other farm equipment.
All types of farms and farming directions were covered by the project in the pilot regions (crop production, animal production, horticulture, fruits etc.).
Services provided:
• Development of the two agricultural consultancy service (Agro Konsult-Transform, Kyiv/Cherkassy and Agrokonsult Vinnytsa)
• Provision of agricultural consultancy
• Identification and initiation of economically viable agricultural production systems in co-operation with Ukrainian and German Agro-business
• Provision of education and training for local adviser for practitioners and managers in agriculture
• Fostering the co-operation between Western-European and Ukrainian firms in agricultural business
• Policy advice to Ukrainian MoA to improve the economic and legal enviroment for agricultual enterprises in Ukraine
Analysis of the dairy supply chain and identification of measures to develop the dairy sector
Country: Uzbekistan
Origin of Funding: GIZ / BMZ
Name of Client: German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Project Dates: 25/01/2013 – 28/02/2013
Project Value [EUR]: 15.981
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 1
Project Description:
The GIZ program Sustainable economic development in selected regions of Uzbekistan aimed to strengthen the competitiveness in the selected regions Andijan, Karakalpakstan and Surchanddarya.
A central component of the program was the promotion of livestock production especially milk production and processing.
ADT elaborated the dairy sector study with special regional focus on the region Karakalpakstan.
Services provided:
• Analysis of the dairy supply chain including forage production, storage and conservation technology
• SWOT analysis of milk production and processing
• Identification and classification (by ranking) of measures to improve key elements of the dairy supply chain (feed production, animal husbandry, milk production and milk processing)
• Elaboration of proposals for activities in the selected sectors in milk production and processing
• Identification of services and promotion measures, especially services that are of importance for the implementation of the activities
• Support of the programme by the development of a baseline study for the milk production and processing sector
Consulting services in the dairy value chain in the district Kurgantepa
Country: Uzbekistan
Origin of Funding: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)/ GIZ
Name of Client: German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Project Dates: 03/2014 – 12/2016
Project Value [EUR]: 131,128
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 90
Staff provided: 4 short-term experts
Name of partners, if any: Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisen-verband e.V. (DGRV)
Project Description:
The project “Consulting services in the dairy value chain in the district Kurgantepa (region Andijan)” was part of the overall GIZ/BMZ project “Ecological suistainable promotion of economic development in selected regions of Uzbekistan”.
Key activities of the consultancy service in the dairy value chain in the district Kurgantepa were the provision of advisory services and vocational training for small- and medium-sized milk producers on all aspects of dairy farming, including advisory services and vocational training on milk collection, milk processing and new innovative milk products, technical assistance and institution building related to group actions / cooperative models of farmers.
Until 2016, due to the consultancy service the following results were achieved:
Milk production in the district Kurgantepa was increased by 20% and the income increased through the increased purchase of quality milk. The percentage of milk delivered to dairies was increased. Delivered amount of processable raw milk increased significantly (e.g. by 70% in the dairy plant Oq Suv)
Raw milk quality (bacteria count) of many dairy farms was improved. Importance of high milking hygiene standards and cooling provisions was stressed.
Technologies for the production of innovative milk products (hard and curd cheese, joghurt, mozzarella etc.) were demonstrated and tried out. The dairy plant Oq Suv has already started to produce and trade new milk products in small quantities. Amount will be increased as raw milk delivery increases sustainably.
A few hundred dairy farmers in the district Kurgantepa were trained on milk hygiene and milk quality management, dairy cow feeding, calf rearing, reproduction management, fodder production and conservation. Training material in Uzbek language was produced.
A technical brochure on “Milk processing and the manufacture of innovative dairy products was produced in Uzbek language. Two additional technical brochures for dairy farmers were produced, one on “Milk Hygiene and Milk Quality Management” and one on “Dairy Cow Feeding “. 1350 copies were printed in Uzbek language.
One of three planned milk collection centres was started to be built in Siaya (25,000 € investment costs for the building). Start of the milk collection and cooling and the service point for equipment was planned for 2017. The second milk collection centre in Dardak was in planning.
Services provided:
• Technical assistance and training in the field of dairy farming (including milking, milk hygiene, and milk quality improvement; forage production, conservation, and storage; dairy cow and calf feeding, and feeding management; cattle housing of cattle housing in small scale dairy farms; cattle breeding, reproduction management, and artificial insimenation; animal healthcare and welfare)
• Elaboration of appropriate didactic training material for milk producers and milk processors in the target region (training needs assessment, training & consultancy concept, elaboration of training manuals, brochures etc.);
• Preparation of technical brochures on milk production and milk processing
• Implementing training modules for local farmers, milk processors and other dairy sector specialists on different topics
• Technical consultancy in setting-up, operation and management of Milk Collection Centres (MCCs) including improvement of milk processing technologies and hygiene standards
• Training and coaching of experts of milk processors to produce new milk products such as hard cheese (i.e. types of European cheese), improved white cheese as well as yoghurt and mozzarella cheese to increase income opportunities in the dairy sector
• Policy advice to improve overall framework in the dairy chain
Organisation and Management of Vocational Training Courses for Russian Dairy Herd Managers
Country: Germany, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan
Origin of Funding: OOO GEA Westfalia Surge Moscow, Agrarlis GmbH
Name of Client: Westfalia Surge, Agrarlis GmbH
Project Dates: 03/2006 – 10/2011
Project Value [EUR]: 650.293
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 30
Staff provided: 14
Name of partners, if any: Agriculture Training Centre Haus Düsse, Several Large Dairy Farms in Germany
Project Description:
The objective of the training activities was to improve the knowledge of Russian dairy herd managers to enable them to implement modern production and management standards.
Key areas of the training were:
Cattle breeding
Raising quality of milk production
Milk hygiene and udder health
Milk quality and milking technology
Dairy herd management including management tools
Fodder production and feeding systems
Management of large dairy herds
Veterinary services and prophylaxis for dairy farms
Fertility management of dairy cows
Cow comfort and construction of modern barns
Management of calves and heifers
Claw trimming
Economic aspects of successful dairy farm management
Services provided:
• Training needs assessment and preparation of training concept
• Organisation and management of several intensive training courses: 4-weeks training courses in Germany which include 2-weeks training at the agricultural training centre Haus Düsse in North-Rhine-Westphalia and 2-weeks practical exercises & training on several large dairy farms in Germany
• Selection and mobilisation of trainers
• Preparation of training materials and translation to Russian language
• Organisation of logistical arrangements of training activities
• Organise and implement monitoring and evaluation procedures of training activities
• Operational management of project implementation and backstopping
• Contract management and accounting
Dairy Herd Improvement: Recording and Analyzing Production, Breeding, Feeding and Profitability Records
Country: Bosnia-Herzegovina
Origin of Funding: USAID World Learning Third Country Training PTP
Name of Client: USAID
Project Dates: 09 – 11/2005
Project Value [EUR]: 29.215
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 9
Name of partners, if any: Landeskontrollverband für Milchwirtschaft Niedersachsen
Project Description:
The objective of the training program was to provide participants of BiH with information and latest know-how of modern dairy herd management systems and programs aiming to support BiH dairy producers to improve milk production technology and management and to become more profitable. The training program demonstrated experiences and practical working methods of dairy herd improvement systems and programs in Germany and was meant to be the initial point to lead BiH in a process of setting-up a DHIP in their country. The focus of those meetings was to get a better understanding how to utilise milk recording under different circumstances of a specific farm and/or dairy herd and how the cost/benefit ratio can be evaluated. The participants should understand the options and organisational requirements of dairy herd improvement and service systems and the advantages of farmers to use better and up-to-date information to improve the profitability of dairy farms. Also the participants received detailed knowledge about the management and organizational aspects of dairy farm services and could observe practical working methods in recording, analysing production, breeding, feeding and profitability records. Finally the training program initiated and supported a discussion of participants and trainers about ideas and concepts and future programs to improve dairy herd management and related services in BiH under the specific conditions of the country.
A second aim of the training program was to facilitate a proper understanding of the back-office infrastructure and functions to maintain a professional DHIP. The participants should receive a good understanding of minimum standards of the system, of potential investment costs for technical equipment, of operating costs depending on the scope and scale of services and of necessary human resources and qualification.
Services provided:
• Preparation of an legislative and regulatory framework for an EU-compliant small ruminant I&R system
• Preparation and introduction of an Animal ID system for small ruminants in the Southern part of Albania (including design and procedures for tagging of ear tags, data capture, central database, hardware, training, awareness campaign and others)
• Assessment of the disease surveillance system and introduction of preventive control measures
• Identification and assessment of training needs of central and field veterinarians in epidemiology, development of a training programme
• Introduction of an QMS system and preparation of the certification and accreditation of the Veterinary Institute
• Provision of problem-oriented professional training and up-grading at the Veterinary Institute
• Changing of the existing IT solution for bovine I&R by inclusion of a Web-client in order to allow remote data entry and data retrieving through the Internet
• Introduction and testing of a comprehensive IT solution for the animal disease management
• Assessment of relevant existing veterinary legislation with regard to EU-compliance and amending of existing legal documents including I&R legislation
Information Technology – Information Management Consulting Services for Production of the complete technical description of requirements for the Information System of the Veterinary Service of the Republika Srpska
Country: Bosnia-Herzegovina
Origin of Funding: World Bank, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Republika Srpska
Name of Client: Ministry of Agric., Forestry and WM of Rep Srpska
Project Dates: 05-06/2011
Project Value [EUR]: 68.747
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 50
Staff provided: 5
Name of partners, if any: Unternehmensberatung Dr. Karb GmbH
Project Description:
The aim of this project was the service for the production of complete technical requirements for the future information system for the Veterinary service of the Republic of Srpska that is, the project tasks for production of the information system (hereinafter referred to as: the information system). The end user is the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Srpska. The future information system ought to ensure a single database for the entire territory of the Republic of Srpska, in order to more efficiently perform the business processes, budget planning and monitoring of business trends in the veterinarian service of the Ministry. The technical description of the future information system needs to be conceptualized in a way that enables production of a functional information system for the needs of the end user, supporting interoperationability at all levels including automatic exchange of data with all organizations that the Ministry is obliged to exchange data with or has such a need.
Services provided:
The services in the production of the complete technical description of requirements for the information system should be carried out jointly by veterinary and IT experts and must entail:
• Functional analysis and parties involved
• Coverage of the information system
• Design of an IT and communication network system
• Review of the supporting technical documentation for each activity
• Review of recording/reporting requirements and administrative/technical modalities for each activity
• Development of a data model by applying an ER methodology
• Suggestions for the plan of implementation of the information system
• Standard documentation of the technical description of the information system
• Additional requirements set by the customer.
Information Technology – Information Management Strategy Concept Development related to EU compliant Animal Identification and Registration in SVO
Country: Bosnia-Herzegovina
Origin of Funding: World Bank, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Republika Srpska
Name of Client: Ministry of Agric., Forestry and WM of Rep Srpska
Project Dates: 02/2010 – 07/2011
Project Value [EUR]: 71.500
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 50
Staff provided: 5
Name of partners, if any: Unternehmensberatung Dr. Karb GmbH
Project Description:
The overall objectives of the project were to define carefully species of the animal covered users, existing country laws, best practices and information security. It was important that farmers, vets, slaughter houses, market places, DEOs, Agency, Government institutions etc. became integral parts of the project anticipating organizational and data flowelements as much as possible. System planning and design should have been based on previously performed assessments; it should implement results of performed gap analysis process and follow given recommendations.
Services provided:
In the first instance, the Consultant has been assigned with:
• Conducting an in-depth review and assessment of the legal basis and administrative arrangements for effectively enforcing on the ground the animal I&R system for bovines currently in place.
• Conducting an in-depth review of the techn. and IT aspects of the I&R system for bovines currently in place leading to informed recommendations of, either guidelines for upgrading the system or replacement of database and other changes in the system.
• Carrying out a critical evaluation of data already stored in the database leading to salvage of current and valid portions thereof.
In the second instance, the Consultant was assigned with designing and planning a new EU-compatible database, expanded to include sheep, goats and pigs with a suitable IT solutions and applications and guaranteeing safe and efficient storage and retrieving of data. Specifically, the Consultant(s) should develop the detailed architecture of new animal I&R system.
In the third instance, the Consultant prepared detailed technical specifications and accompanying tender documents for (i) the development of appropriate software for the designed IT application(s) of the new database, and (ii) the procurement of hardware equipment necessary to support it, both of which will be procured under subsequent tenders.
Vocational Training: ‘Management and Developing Pig Meat Farms to Enhance Rational Use of Basic Production Inputs and According to the EU Requirements’
Country: Poland
Origin of Funding: SAPARD Programme
Name of Client: Foundation of Assistance Programmes for Agriculture (FAPA) on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Warsaw, Poland
Project Dates: 08/2005 – 12/2005
Project Value [EUR]: 672.000
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 25
Staff provided: 18
Name of partners, if any: PPH POLNET Sp. z o.o. (Poland) and PIWet-PIB Puławy (Poland)
Project Description:
By this project, vocational training was provided to 920 pig farmers in Poland. The vocational training improved qualifications in the field of modern production technologies with regard to the EU standards, which aimed to an increase in production efficiency and increased competition with highly efficient farms in the EU. The project provided 920 pig farmers of Poland with knowledge on CAP in pig sector and EU requirements on quality of slaughter pigs and pork. Besides country-wide training in Poland more than 80 pig farmers participated in a one week study tour to Germany.
The project included training courses including lectures and workshops for slaughter pig producers, study visits to high technical level pig farms (both local and foreign study tours) on technological issues of pig industry, zoohygienic conditions, environment protection at farms according to EU standards, EU standards for ecological pig production, design of buildings and technology according EU legislation, veterinary preventive treatment, as well as book-keeping, investment planning and general management of farms with pig production.
General objectives of the project:
To prepare slaughter pig producers for profitable running of farms specialising in high quality production of slaughter pigs which meet the EU quality standards.
To expand knowledge serving the purpose of improvement of capital management, investment, credit giving for development including technological progress in farms and other elements important for the process of preparation of farmers of slaughter pigs for new requirements connected with future integration with the EU.
Services provided:
• Mobilization of large teams of international and local trainers
• Elaboration of training concept and briefing of trainers
• Elaboration of course materials
• Recruitment of training participants
• Carry out country-wide training courses for 920 farmers (6 days including seminar sessions, workshops and farm visits)
• Training and briefing of local trainers
• Organisation and management of several study tours in Poland and in Germany
• Organisation and management of national conference
• Project organisation and management
• Preparation of brochures and training manuals.
Implementation of an Animal Identification and Registration System
Country: Poland
Origin of Funding: EU Phare
Name of Client: Polish Vet. Service
Project Dates: 1999 – 2001
Project Value [EUR]: 499.756
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 5
Staff provided: 4
Name of partners, if any: German MoA, Saxon Milk Recording Association
Project Description:
This Project was aiming to establish a national administration and a central data base for registrations of animals and to train the administrative and operational staff. The Project was implemented by the Veterinary Department of the Saxon Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Family assisted by the Danish Agricultural Advisory Service, the Milk Recording Association of Saxony and ADT Projekt GmbH.
Services provided:
• Assistance and training in the administrative procedures of animal identification and registration and the technical implementation of the data collection and data base management;
• Implementation of registration, ear tags and passports;
• Pilot Intervention in two regions
Establishing a Competence Network for Climate and Environmentally friendly Livestock Production in China
Country: China
Origin of Funding: German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), GFA Consulting Group
Name of Client: GFA Consulting Group
Project Dates: 15/04/2019 – 31/12/2019
Project Value [EUR]: 264,367
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 1 international LTE, 5 international STEs, 1 local Project Assistant, 1 backstopper
Project Description:
The project contributed to the establishment of a competence network for climate and environmentally friendly livestock production. The purpose was to develop a more environmentally friendly orientation of livestock farming and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions caused by livestock production in China.
The overall goal was to raise awareness of the climate and environmental impacts of livestock production and of reducing the negative impact of livestock production on climate and the environment in China and Germany.
Therefore, the project aimed at establishing a competence network for climate and environmentally friendly livestock production in China and at disseminating innovative methods and technologies focusing on greenhouse gas reduction and to improve the environmental performance of local animal husbandry systems.
Target groups were the employees of government agencies, extension organizations and scientific and technical institutions in China. Project implementers on the Chinese side were the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA), the Foreign Economic Cooperation Center (FECC) as General Representative of MARA for the execution of international agriculture projects and the National Animal Husbandry Service (NAHS) as well as Chinese Research Stations and Institutes working on climate- and environmental-friendly livestock production in China.
The technical areas of the network were defined based on Chinese needs for a climate- and environmentally-friendly livestock production. Together with 3 selected livestock farms in China, a comprehensive assessment of their environmental and climate relevance was carried out. Based on this assessment, extension concepts with specific measures to improve the climate-related performance of the selected farms were developed. More than five innovative processes and technologies for reducing greenhouse gases and improving the environmental performance of the farms were identified.
Services provided:
• Preparation of a concept for the establishment of a competence network for climate- and environment-friendly animal husbandry in China, under the auspices of the NAHS, and agreement with the relevant scientific and technical partners
• Strengthening of the capacities of the NAHS and the involved partners for a climate and environmentally friendly animal husbandry
• Supporting the competence network to carry out training and consultancy in the field of climate-friendly and environmentally friendly livestock farming
Establishing a Competence Network for Climate and Environmentally friendly Livestock Production in China – Phase III
Country: China
Origin of Funding: German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Name of Client: GFA Consulting Group
Project Dates: 01/2022 – 12/2024
Project Value [EUR]: 2,259,976
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100%
Staff provided: 2 long-term experts, 1 project assistance, international and national short-term staff pool
Project Description:
In its 3rd phase, the focus of the cooperation project is on sustainable, environmentally and climate-friendly animal breeding and husbandry. With a view to the current challenges in modern animal husbandry, practical, innovative approaches to solutions are developed and made broadly effective. The focus is on establishing sustainable dialogue forums (so-called innovation networks) for the most important local and national actors as well as European business partners to disseminate the best practices identified. In this context, the active participation of the main economic partners remains a basic prerequisite. Chinese partner companies in the cattle and pig sector also continue to be an important element of these networks with regard to joint testing and disseminating of new technical solutions.
The project approach is based on four central topics: i) Farm biosecurity and inter-company animal identification systems, ii) Innovative breeding approaches in the cattle and pig sector, iii) Animal-friendly husbandry and performance-based feeding systems, and iv) Environmental and climate compatibility, particularly with regard to nutrient cycles, emission reduction, manure management and the interlinking of animal husbandry and crop production.
The operational partner on the Chinese side is the National Animal Husbandry Service (NAHS), which coordinates project participation on the Chinese side.
Services provided:
- Identify demo farms, business partners and institutional partners for innovation networks.
- Establish sustainable, self-supporting innovation networks and dialogue forums for priority thematic areas.
- Identify innovative approaches through the innovation networks: preparation of situation and needs analyses for priority thematic areas: – Strengthen Simmental cattle breeding, – Promote Pietrain breeding, – Develope an inter-company animal identification system for animal disease control and animal breeding – Innovative husbandry systems for calves and young cattle – Antibiotic-free feeding.
- Test identified solution approaches, possible approaches derived from previous phase are: – Anchoring training systems for on-farm biosecurity – Piloting measures for the development of an inter-farm animal identification system – Introducing a carcass disposal system – Promoting and further developing the station programme for artificial insemination in Pietrain breeding.
- Ongoing documentation of best practices through – Educational videos (e.g. from Phase 2: Animal Evaluation Brown Swiss, Animal Evaluation Simmental, Film Series Reproduction Management, Claw Care Management and Curatorial Claw Care) – Publications on the project website
- Disseminate solution approaches at local level through suitable instruments for sustainable anchoring: – Development and dissemination of (digital) teaching materials in each priority topic area (teaching videos, manuals, on-farm training curricula, etc.) – Organisation of a national network of practitioners to conduct quarterly virtual peer-learning events for interested governmental and private stakeholders from all over China – Consultation of the priority regions to develop a farm-level, inter-farm exchange among practitioners on successful solution approaches (stable schools) in cooperation with local partner cattle and pig farms.
German-Chinese Project to Foster Animal Breeding and Husbandry, Phase II
Country: China
Origin of Funding: German Ministry of Food, and Agriculture (BMEL)
Name of Client: Ministry of Agriculture of People’s Republic of China, National Animal Husbandry Service (NAHS)
Project Dates: 07/2018 – 06/2021
Project Value [EUR]: 2.379.994
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 5 Permanent Staff Members, 3 Long-term Experts and 5 Short-term Experts
Name of partners, if any: About 20 business partners of the German livestock sector in the field of animal genetics, animal identification, farm planning, animal health, hygiene and slurry management supporting the project as private sector partners
Project Description:
The project is part of the Bilateral Cooperation Program of BMEL. The objective of the project is to contribute to the sustainable development of a resource efficient and sustainable livestock breeding and husbandry sector in China and to enable the technical exchange between German / European and Chinese economic operators as well as political and administrative players in this sector.
The project includes the following components:
Project component “Cattle”: Introduction and anchoring of resource-saving and efficient processes increase in cattle production in the participating demonstration farms and dissemination of results and experiences.
Project component “Pigs”: Introduction and anchoring of resource-saving and efficient processes in pig production in the participating demonstration farms and the dissemination of results and experiences.
Strengthening of networking of the Chinese and German / European key actors (demo farms, Chinese National Animal Husbandry Service (NAHS), private businesses, research and government organisations) in cooperation with German-Sino Agricultural Center (DCZ) for further development of animal production.
Trainees Programme 2018: Graduates of agricultural colleges from China and Germany to be trained in Germany and China
The German Partner Companies are:
Bayern-Genetik GmbH, Besamungsverein Neustadt Aisch e.V., German Genetics International GmbH, Masterrind GmbH, Rinderbesamungsgenossenschaft Memmingen, Big Dutchman Internnational GmbH, Sano Moderne Tierernährung GmbH, Caisley Internnational GmbH, DSP Agrosoft GmbH, BvL Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG, Fliegl Agrartechnik GmbH, FAN Separatoren GmbH, CLAAS KGaA mbH, Aratowerk GmbH & Co. KG, Menno Chemie-Vertrieb GmbH, BAG Budissa Agroservice GmbH, Defi Woldegk GmbH, Holmer Maschinenbau GmbH, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG
For more information see:
Services provided:
• Selection of demonstration farms
• Training of specialists and executive staff of selected Chinese cattle breeding farms, service providers and institutions
• Provision of technical support and advice on cattle and pig husbandry, breeding, feeding, fodder production, health, milk hygiene, dairy farm planning, cow comfort, slurry handling, reproduction, hoof trimming and herd management.
• Provision of animal genetics, software for farm management and other technologies
• Organisation of supra-regional symposiums concerning the German-Chinese Animal Breeding Centre
• Carry out study visits to Germany related to cattle and pig production
• Complementation and Multiplication of five subprojects in the pig component:
1. Construction of a new boar-stable, improved sperm quality and optimized
laboratory facilities;
2. Introduction of an environmental station with integrated environmental
concept for slurry separation, composting and storage as well as marketing of
solid and liquid phases;
3. Optimized herd management including extensive advice and restructuring of
work processes, technical maintenance in the stable; revision of hygiene
concept; revision of feed rations; revision of breeding documentations and the
creation of a new water saving concept;
4. Construction of a new nursery-stable with optimized production management;
5. Construction of a new breeding farm based on the latest technical equipment.
German-Chinese Project to Foster Livestock Breeding in China, Phase I
Country: China
Origin of Funding: German Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Name of Client: Ministry of Agriculture of People’s Republic of China, National Animal Husbandry Service (NAHS)
Project Dates: 01/02/2015 – 30/06/2018
Project Value [EUR]: 2,320,715
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 2 long term experts and more than 20 short term experts/trainers
Name of partners, if any: Several private sector partners: GGI GmbH, Masterrrind GmbH, Besamungsverein Neustadt a.d. Aisch e.V. and Bayern Genetic GmbH
Project Description:
The objective of the bilateral cooperation (PPP) project was to contribute to a sustainable development of the livestock sector in China. It is envisaged that Chinese livestock keepers improved their performance, product quality and resource efficiency by the utilization of experiences, know-how and livestock genetics from Germany.
Main topics in the cooperation with the demonstration farms were:
Improvement of livestock genetics
Education and Training of employees
Extension of the number of demonstration farms to 11 (including pig demonstration farm)
Specific consultancy for the improvement of milk and meat production, rearing and fattening, housing and cow comfort, hygiene and slurry handling, farm management, feeding, milking etc
Capacity building in the field of agricultural advisory services
Planning, projecting and building of demo farm units for cattle and pig husbandry (AI-station, growing out farm, sow farm, dairy farm)
Regular exchange of experience on topics related to cattle and pig management
Elaboration of a concept to insert know-how and best livestock farming practices in the technical vocational education and training (TVET) system for livestock breeders in China
Long-term: Demonstration of the German genetics, technologies and know-how
The project was part of the Bilateral Cooperation Program of the BMEL and was implemented by ADT with partners of the German Agribusiness and the German livestock industry.
The political partner in the country was the Ministry of Agriculture of China. The Chinese project implementation partner was the National Animal Husbandry Service (NAHS) in co-operation with the up to 17 demo farms located in different provinces of China.
Services provided:
• Capacity building for the National Animal Husbandry Service (NAHS) to improve advisory services and dissemination of innovative technologies and best practices in livestock farming
• Selection of further demonstration farms
• Training of specialists and executive staff of selected Chinese cattle breeding farms, service providers and institutions
• Provision of technical support and advice on cattle husbandry, breeding, feeding, fodder production, health, milk hygiene, dairy farm planning, cow comfort, slurry handling, reproduction, hoof trimming and herd management
• Provision of cattle genetics, software for farm management and other technologies
• Organisation of supra-regional symposiums concerning the German-Chinese Animal Breeding Centre
• Carry out study visits to Germany related to cattle production, pig and sheep production
German-Chinese Cattle Breeding Project
Country: China
Origin of Funding: German Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Name of Client: Ministry of Agriculture of People’s Republic of China, National Animal Husbandry Service (NAHS)
Project Dates: 11/2010 – 01/2015
Project Value [EUR]: 1.395.313
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 15
Name of partners, if any: Private sector partners: German Genetics International GmbH, Masterrrind GmbH, Besamungsverein Neustadt a.d. Aisch e.V. and Bayern Genetic GmbH
Project Description:
The objective of the project was to establish and support up to 10 demonstration farms of the German-Chinese Cooperation in Cattle Breeding in several Chinese provinces. The project aimed to improve the performance of the three cattle breeds Holstein, Simmental and Brown Swiss under various production conditions within China.
Main topics in the cooperation with the demonstration farms were:
Improvement of cattle genetics
Education and training of employees
Specific consultancy for the improvement of milk production, rearing and fattening, housing and cow comfort, hygiene and slurry handling
Long-term: Demonstration of the German genetics, technologies and know-how
The project was part of the Bilateral Cooperation Program of the BMEL and is implemented by ADT with partners of the German Agribusiness and the German livestock industry (German cattle breeding organisations Bayern-Genetik GmbH, Besamungsverein Neustadt a. d. Aisch e. V., German Genetics International GmbH und Masterrind GmbH).
The political partner in the country was the Ministry of Agriculture of China. The Chinese project implementation partner is the National Animal Husbandry Service (NAHS) in co-operation with the 10 demo farms in the provinces of Beijing, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Sichuan and Xinjiang.
For more information see:
Services provided:
• Development of project concept, agreed with project partners and establishment of project infrastructure
• Selection of demonstration farms
• Training of specialists and executive staff of selected Chinese cattle breeding farms, service providers and institutions
• Provision of technical support and advice on cattle husbandry, breeding, feeding, fodder production, health, milk hygiene, dairy farm planning, cow comfort, slurry handling, reproduction, hoof trimming and herd management
• Provision of cattle genetics, software for farm management and other technologies
• Organisation of supra-regional symposiums concerning the German-Chinese Animal Breeding Centre
• Carry out study visits to Germany related to cattle production and expansion of future technical assistance on pigs and sheep production
Livestock Sector Study
Country: China
Origin of Funding: German Cattle Breeders Organisations
Name of Client: German Cattle Breeders Organisations
Project Dates: 01/2004 – 12/2004
Project Value [EUR]: 13.000
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 1
Project Description:
The objective was to analyse the current situation of livestock breeding in China and to identify possibilities for a future cooperation with companies and organisations of the German livestock sector.
Services provided:
Main activities were:
• Analysis of recently published documentations, statistics and reports about China’s livestock sector development;
• Discussion with Chinese livestock experts of Ministry, Universities, regional Livestock Centres, farmer managers and milk processors;
• Identification of specific areas and regions for future cooperation;
• Potential analysis;
• Reporting and presentation of findings and recommendations.
Indo-German Cooperation for the Development of the Agricultural Market
Country: India
Origin of Funding: German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Name of Client: GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Project Dates: 07/2021 –06/2025
Project Value [EUR]: 1,774,980
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 50%
Staff provided: 2 Long-term experts, pool of 36 international and 20 national short-term experts
Name of partners, if any: Agriculture and Finance Consultants GmbH (AFC)
Project Description:
As a bilateral cooperation project of the BMEL, the Indo-German cooperation project on agricultural market development contributes to sustainable economic growth in India’s agricultural sector and to improved living conditions in rural regions, and is thus in line with the development policy goals of the Indian government. Through the agricultural policy dialogue, strategies for modernizing agricultural markets are supported and findings and transferred know-how are put into practice.
An important core element is to reflect the knowledge and learning experiences gained in the course of project implementation at the local level back to the state and national level (multi-level approach) in order to improve the political framework conditions on the one hand, and to increase understanding and acceptance for political decisions at the regional and local level on the other. The scaling up of “best practices” is also an important component of the project. In addition, three cross-cutting issues are given special attention in all project activities:
- Gender sensitivity in order to empower women in the agricultural sector and increase their visibility;
- Digitalization, technological innovations oriented towards the great potential of digitalization to significantly increase efficiency, transparency, information flow and traceability in agricultural markets and value chains.
- Climate sensitivity, by taking into account the conservation of natural resources and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the planning and implementation of activities and by referring to ecologically valuable approaches.
Political partners of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) is the Indian Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (MoA&FW). Operational partners are the National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM), Jaipur and the Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI), Faridabad.
The networking of the Indian institutions with the corresponding institutions on the German/European side is intended to facilitate a continuous exchange of information and knowledge via established contacts even beyond the project term.
Services provided:
- Coordination of the advisory concept with the partners and agreement on pilot regions
- Establishment of a dialogue platform for agricultural market development
- Preparation of strategy papers and other project outputs
- Technical advice on the introduction of new analytical tools for evidence-based policy making
- organizing technical events to disseminate project information
- Identification of representatives from NIAM, DMI, and other relevant institutions (e.g. NCCD, APEDA) and selected APMCs at the state level to identify training needs
- Development and implementation of a training-of-trainers concept for technical and managerial staff from extension institutions based on the identified training needs
- Organization of technical information trips to Germany / EU countries for selected technical and management staff.
- Conducting value chain analyses and regional case studies on price movements, marketing infrastructure, business models, farmers’ decision-making processes, etc.
- Provide specific export-related BDS in the areas of management, marketing, human resource development, production, quality and IT & MIS.
- Piloting of technological innovations along the selected agricultural value chains
- Organization of B2B and other networking events.
Indo-German Cooperation in the Seed Sector, Consolidation Phase III
Country: India
Origin of Funding: German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), GFA Consulting Group
Name of Client: Federal Plant Variety Office (SFG), BMEL, GFA
Project Dates: 07/2019 – 03/2024
Project Value [EUR]: 1,860,000
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 65
Staff provided: 20
Name of partners, if any: Federal Plant Variety Office (Sortenförderungsgesellschaft, SFG), German Plant Breeders’ Association (BDP)
Project Description:
The goal of the consolidation phase is to continue and promote cooperation to strengthen the Indian seed sector in the areas of “legal-political framework conditions”, “harmonization of register and value tests” and “production, storage and processing of and trade in high-quality seed”. The practical implementation is mainly carried out in the pilot region Telangana, which is in increasing exchange with other regions. Planned project results are:
- The dialogue between German and Indian organizations and with authorities on the political and legal framework and on potential for improvement in the production, storage and processing of and trade in high-quality seed will be continued.
- Procedures and technical methods for registration and identification of varieties are increasingly harmonized with international standards and contribute to the strengthening of the Indian plant variety protection system.
- Measures to improve cooperation between government agencies and the private sector in the production, storage and processing of and trade in high-quality seeds will be continued and consolidated and will contribute to strengthening the “Seed Bowl”/”Seed Park” initiatives in Telangana State
- Actors in one or two other project regions benefit from training measures for the production, storage and processing of or trade in high-quality seeds as well as from the exchange of experiences gained in the state of Telangana and implement them in an exemplary manner.
The project measures are being implemented with partners at national level and in the three seed production zones of north-west India, north-east India and in the south of India with the participation of 12 federal states. Expert partners in Germany include the Bundessortenamt (BSA), the Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), the Bundesverband Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter (BDP) e.V., the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) and the University of Hohenheim. In addition, there is intensive exchange with international organisations in the seed sector (International Seed Testing Association (ISTA), OECD Secretariat for Seed Certification, Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) in the EU.
Services provided:
- Development of a comprehensive training programme in the 3 Indian seed production zones on the 5 thematic areas: (I) seed production; (II) seed processing; (II) seed quality assurance; (IV) seed laboratory testing according to ISTA standards and (V) seed certification according to international (OECD) standards.
- Participation of more than 3,000 Indian experts in training activities of the project in the form of advisory services and technical trainings/webinars by German/international experts in India including post-trainings.
- Preparation of comprehensive information material on best practices in seed production, processing, quality control and marketing
- Mutual technical exchange through technical seminars, roundtables, workshops and studies, in particular on plant variety protection, technical procedures for seed registration and seed value testing, seed traffic, latest methods for identifying plant varieties, production, certification, storage and processing of or trade in high-quality seed, breeding methods and other measures for the production of quality seed (including 4 planned workshops in India)
- Conducting 8 technical information tours (FIF) for approx. 40 Indian experts in Germany/Europe; one larger FIF (12 participants) on the topic of international (OECD) seed certification, organisation and management of ISTA accredited seed testing laboratories for the designated regional certification staff; 1 further larger FIF (12 participants) for representatives of Indian seed producers; as well as 6 smaller FIFs (3-4 participants each).
Indo-German Cooperation on Seed Development, Phase II
Country: India
Origin of Funding: German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), GFA Consulting Group
Name of Client: Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare of the Republic of India, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation of the Government of Telangana (DAC/GoT)
Project Dates: 01/2017 – 06/2019
Project Value [EUR]: 858,908
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 65
Staff provided: 20
Name of partners, if any: Federal Plant Variety Office (Sortenfördergesellschaft, SFG), German Plant Breeders’ Association (BDP)
Project Description:
The cooperation project entered its first phase (2013-2016) with the aim of improving the framework conditions for the production and marketing of high-quality seeds as well as adapted and innovative varieties for Indian agriculture. The cooperation between German and Indian plant breeders and seed companies, variety and seed administrations as well as research institutions was initiated respectively strengthened.
The objective of the second phase (2017-2019) was to support the Indian seed industry by providing high quality seeds to Indian farmers, strengthening their competitive position and improving the conditions for international cooperation. A specific project objective was to identify areas with potential for improvement in the legal and political framework, in the production, processing and marketing of high quality seeds in India and to set an example for implementation at regional level in the state of Telangana.
The following results were achieved:
An ongoing dialogue between German and Indian organizations and authorities on the legal and political framework and potential improvements in the production, processing and marketing of high-quality seeds has been established.
Procedures and technical methods for the registration and identification of seeds with international standards as a basis for strengthening the seed and plant variety protection system were harmonized.
The “Seed Bowl” initiative in Telangana State was strengthened through selected measures to improve the production, processing and marketing of high-quality seeds in cooperation with government agencies and the private sector.
Technical partners in India were the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority (PPV&FRA), the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), and the National Seed Association of India (NSAI), Telangana State Seed & Organic Certification Authority (TSSOCA), Telangana State Seeds Development Corporation Ltd. (TSSDC), Prof. Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) and the Seedsmen Association Hyderabad. German partners included the Federal Plant Variety Office (BSA), the Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), the German Plant Breeders Association (BDP) and the Julius Kühne Institute (JKI).
Services provided:
• Preparation of a basic study on legal and political framework conditions in the seed sector
• Organization of a symposium, study trips and side events
• Transmission of recommendations from the results of the study to the political authorities
• Preparation of a draft for faster and better coordinated DUS / VCU testing procedures
• Implementation of focused and field-based training courses on DUS / VCU methods in India (potential crops: cereals, oilseeds, pulses, sugar beets)
• Conducting training courses on automated DUS / VCU examination procedures in Germany
• Strategic consultancy for the Ministry of Agriculture in Telangana in the implementation of the “Seed Bowl” initiative
• Advising the Telangana State Seed and Organic Certification Agency (TSSOCA) on the development of a certification
• Development of a study on the possibility of introducing organic certification for seeds in Telangana
• Preparation of a market potential analysis for international/European seed producers and downstream sector
Indo-German Cooperation on Seed Development, Phase I
Country: India
Origin of Funding: German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), GFA Consulting Group
Name of Client: Federal Plant Variety Office (SFG), BMEL, GFA
Project Dates: 11/2015 – 12/2016
Project Value [EUR]: 104,145
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 1 international Project Coordinator and several international and national short-term experts
Name of partners, if any: Federal Plant Variety Office (Sortenförderungsgesellschaft, SFG), German Plant Breeders’ Association (BDP)
Project Description:
The cooperation between German and Indian plant breeders and seed companies, variety and seed administrations as well as research institutions was initiated in July 2013. Aim of the cooperation project was to enhance the productivity and sustainability of the Indian agriculture by improving the framework conditions for the production and marketing of high-quality seeds as well as adapted and innovative varieties for the Indian agriculture.
Main activities of the project included the conduction of several short-term missions of German experts to India (BMEL, BSA, BDP), the establishment of dialog and consultations on administrative, regulatory and technical issues and study visits of Indian experts to Germany, in particular on the
Harmonization of plant variety protection systems and DUS/VCU testing, Promotion of effective plant variety protection
Listing of plant varieties / marketing seed and plants
International standards and guidelines
Practical training by German experts on DUS/VCU in India and training on data management related to DUS/VCU trials in Germany
Organization of several national/international symposia in India on different policy and technological issues in the seed sector (PBR, IPR, PVP, DUS/VCU testing etc.)
Development of common viewpoints on biological diversity and access and benefit sharing for plant genetic resources
Exchange on technologies for conservation of genetic resources
Facilitation of co-operation between German and Indian seed companies.
ADT Project Consulting GmbH was subcontractor of the SFG and provided the overall project coordination of the project.
Services provided:
• Provision of International Project Coordinator for overall project management and liaison with Indian and German project partners
• Support BDP/SFG in planning, organization, implementation and further development of project activities
• Recruiting and contracting of national and international short-term experts, drafting ToR and prepare for approval by GFA/BMEL
• Analyse of the seed sector in India
• Regular visits to India
• Plan and implementation of national & international workshops with BDP and Indian project partners on PBR, IPR, PVP, DUS/VCU testing etc.
• Analyse current international projects in India and investigate possible cooperation
• Explore future activities for the project and draft concept
• Reporting and backstopping
• Exchange experience on legal and administrative framework as well as technical procedures on plant breeding issues
Assessment of the Animal Health Worker training provided by Green Colleges in Jharkhand, India
Country: India
Origin of Funding: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)/ GIZ
Name of Client: German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Project Dates: 11 – 12/2016
Project Value [EUR]: 18.827
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 1
Name of partners, if any: implementing partners such as KGVK, TSRDS and Welthungerhilfe
Project Description:
India is one of the beneficiary countries of the German initiative “Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector”. In selected districts of the State of Jharkhand, where livestock plays a major role in the agricultural sector, the project intervention area on “Creation of knowledge and learning systems for the agriculture and food industry” includes also training of para-veterinarians.
The work of the consultant is directed to achieve the following results:
Assessment of the content of the curriculum currently implemented
Appropriateness of training contents for tasks and responsibilities of Animal Health Workers as defined by respective statutory body
Embedding of trained Animal Health Workers in conducive employment environment
Ensuring that the required continuous professional supervision is provided in the different settings of work of Animal Health Workers
Services provided:
• Establish contact with the project staff, the Green College and the key stakeholders
• Study the curriculum and familiarize with the veterinary services structure within the State of Jharkhand and beyond
• Familiarize with the livestock sector in the State of Jharkhand, its importance and need for veterinary services
• Meet with Project staff in Delhi and gain a better understanding of the context in which the Project operates and the role played by the stakeholders, private sector and civil society
• Meet with Welthungerhilfe, ASCI and Green College staff Travel the TSRDS and the KGVK Green Colleges in Jharkhand and spend up to seven days with trainers, trainees and implementing partners and , participate in an ongoing training course
• Evaluate the current Animal Health Worker course concerning technical and didactical aspects, practical exercises
• Meet with the “incubator” and the National Skills Foundation of India
• Exchange with other stakeholders in the dairy sector (for ex. National Dairy Development Board) Develop recommendations for amendments of the curriculum and suggestions for refresher course(s)
• Analyse the embedding of the course into formal structures (Agricultural Skill Council India, veterinary statutory body at State and regional level, etc)
• Meet again with Project staff in Delhi for debriefing and sharing of preliminary recommendations
• Provide GIZ with a report giving feedback on the current status of the Animal Health Worker course with possible improvements and advice for refresher course and formal embedding of the course in existing structures
Planning of Dairy Herd Improvement System
Country: Egypt
Origin of Funding: FAO
Name of Client: University of Cairo
Project Dates: 1996 – 1997
Project Value [EUR]: 90.000
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 4
Project Description:
Introduction of dairy herd improvement system (DHIS) including organisations of milk recording, milk quality analysis and the development of a data base
Services provided:
• Assessment of a dairy milk production and institutional framework of an dairy sector
• Review of the situation of the on-going DHIS-system including milk laboratories, equipment, instruments, hard- and software and logistics
• Assistance in the procurement of milk laboratory and data processing equipment
• Assistance in the set-up of the newly planned milk recording system
German-Moroccan Center of Excellence for Agriculture (CECAMA) – Phase 3
Country: Morocco
Origin of Funding: German Ministry of Food, and Agriculture (BMEL)
Name of Client: BMEL/GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Project Dates: 01/2019 – 12/2020
Project Value [EUR]: 1.749.895
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 33
Staff provided: 3 long-term experts, several international and local short-term experts and trainers
Name of partners, if any: AFC – Agriculture and Finance Consultants GmbH
Project Description:
The 3rd phase of this Public Private Partnership (PPP) Project complements phase 1 + 2 (2012-2018) in the aim to develop and operate a Training and Information Centre (Centre de Conseil Agricole Maroco-Allemand – CECAMA) in Sidi Slimane in the North of Morocco where agricultural producers, farmers and their associations, public and private extension staff and other partners in the agricultural value chain can obtain information on modern agricultural technology and cultivation methods. The Centre is offering workshops, seminars and field days on a variety of relevant subjects, to enable participants to apply the new knowledge on their farms and thus, contribute to the development of a modern Moroccan agriculture.
The priority agricultural areas of the project are crop production (mainly cereals, forage and potatoes), farm machinery and cattle production. In addition, the project envisages a close collaboration with three existing demonstration farms to show practical application and the efficiency of new agricultural technologies.
In the third phase of the project, 1852 participant days have already been realised exceeding the target value of 1800 participant days already during the first half of 2020. Two (of the targeted 4 farms for 2020) have been consulted with regard to the cultivation of industrial potatoes and feeding rapeseed straw. Two studies to sustainable agriculture have been completed and will serve as the basis for demonstrations with regard to slurry storage and spreading as well as to cultivation methods in crop production at the beginning of the vegetation period. Training curricula have been updated and will be made available as pdf-file. Based on the great response to online training courses on marketing of agricultural products, animal production and crop production during Corona restrictions in 2020, the curricula will now additionally take online courses more into account as valuable training tools to cover introduction of basic knowledge complemented with classroom events to deepen the knowledge. Positively, online trainings enabled the participation of many more participants throughout all regions of the country.
Phase 3 of the project also works towards a long-term viable instiutional structure of the excellence centre in form of the foundation of a community of public interest (GIP) which will be able to financially support itself through membership fees and paid services with an expected coverage of 50% of the expenses in 2020, reaching 100% in 2022. The GIP is also ment to serve as a competence centre supporting other sub-saharian countries with its expertise. First contacts to Burkina Faso have already been established.
For more information see
Services provided:
• Development of German-Moroccan Centre of Excellence for Agriculture (CECAMA) in Morocco with project partners’ as platform for the organization and provision of practical training, information and advice, field trials and farm demonstration
• Technical assistance to set up the legal status of the CECAMA
• Training on sustainable agricultural practices with advanced production systems and technologies in plant and livestock
• Training needs assessment, preparation and implementation of training programmes and courses farm manager and agricultural specialists as well as technicians and managers from extension and training organizations (agricultural schools, associations and cooperatives)
• Preparation and organization of field trials and farm demonstration to demonstrate advanced production systems for cash crops, forage crops and cattle farming in cooperation with agribusiness companies and local partners
• Technical assistance for further development of practical education and vocational training system in Morocco for farmers, managers and specialists of farms
• Organisation of symposium and trainings in the subject of mitigation and adaptation to Climate Change for the livestock sector
• Development of training materials, brochures & manuals
• Organisation of yearly field days, press conferences, study tours and participation at agricultural events and fairs
• Marketing of the Centre and elaboration of PR materials
German-Moroccan Center of Excellence for Agriculture (CECAMA) – Phase 1 + 2
Country: Morocco
Origin of Funding: German Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Name of Client: GFA/ BMEL
Project Dates: 10/2012 – 12/2015 (1st phase) and 01/2016 – 12/2018(2nd phase)
Project Value [EUR]: 2,633,398 €
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 45
Staff provided: 3 LT Experts, Several inter. and local ST trainers and experts
Name of partners, if any: AFC International GmbH
Project Description:
The aim of this Public Private Partnership (PPP) Project was to develop and operate a Training and Information Centre (Centre de Conseil Agricole Maroco-Allemand – CECAMA) in Sidi Slimane in the North of Morocco where agricultural producers, farmers and their associations, public and private extension staff and other partners in the agricultural value chain can obtain information on modern agricultural technology and cultivation methods. The Centre offered workshops, seminars and field days on a variety of relevant subjects, to enable participants to apply the new knowledge on their farms and thus, contribute to the development of a modern Moroccan agriculture.
The priority agricultural areas of the project were crop production (mainly cereals, forage and potatoes), farm machinery and cattle production. In addition, the project envisages a close collaboration with three existing demonstration farms to show practical application and the efficiency of new agricultural technologies.
The project also aimed to contribute to the further development of agricultural education system in Morocco and the institutional development and strategic planning in the public agricultural sector focused on educational training and advisory service. Target groups of the project were local farmers, owners, managers or specialists from farms as well as providers of agricultural machinery services. In addition, disseminators such as agricultural advisors, trainers, technicians and managers from extension and training organizations (agricultural schools, associations and cooperatives) were important target groups. Training of local trainers and the development of practical knowledge and skills for the successful application of modern farming technologies were significant aspects of the project.
Important project implementation partners in Morocco were the public agricultural advisory service of Morocco (L’Office National du Conseil Agricole – ONCA) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Fisheries, professional agricultural associations and the demonstration farms.
Services provided:
• The Center of Excellence has been established and is operational.
• The Center of Excellence has been sustainably networked with the organizations of plant and cattle producers, made known and anchored in the professional and institutional environment and accredited as a provider of further education.
• Farm managers and agricultural experts as well as specialists and managers from organizations of plant and cattle producers, from the further education and consulting system and from agricultural service providers have been further qualified for the application of modern technology and modern production processes by means of further education, consulting and media.
• In the medium term, the Center of Excellence is a financially stable and largely self-sustaining educational institution.
• The position of the German agricultural industry on the Moroccan market has been strengthened.
Feasibility Study on Meat Production and Processing Project
Country: Oman
Origin of Funding: Omani National Livestock Development Co. SAOC (ONLDC)
Name of Client: Omani National Livestock Development Co. SAOC (ONLDC)
Project Dates: 01/2011 – 12/2011
Project Value [EUR]: 195.000 US$
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 60
Staff provided: 7
Name of partners, if any: Stewart Routledge & Associates, Dubai
Project Description:
Provision of consultancy services for the preparation of a Feasibility Study for Meat Production and Processing Project in Dhofar Governorate, Sultanate of Oman.
The proposed project in Dhofar involves the establishment of a modern feedlot that will fatten local Jabali cattle for the national quality meat market. At the same time assistance will be provided to local cattle, camel and goat producers to assist them in on-farm fattening, slaughter and marketing of their finished stock. Cattle fattened in the feedlot will be sold live, hygienically slaughtered and sold to the general public in carcass form or as meat cuts and meat products through a chain of branded butcher shops to be established, owned and operated by the project in major centres throughout Oman. While the project does not purport to increase overall offtake from the national herd, its primary objective will be to establish a sustainable commercial outlet for Jabali cattle, camels and goats that will form the basis of a new quality meat market where consumers have access to a wide range of different cuts of meat at prices reflecting their tenderness or eating quality. In achieving the above objective, the project will make a direct contribution to the social, financial and environmental objectives of the nation.
Services provided:
• Analysis of the local conditions and the economic background of Omani agriculture and meat sector
• Detailed analysis of the feasibility of the meat production and processing project
• Planning of layout and technical design of a feedlot for 8,000 head of cattle
• Planning of layout, technical design and equipment of a slaughterhouse and deboning plant
• Preparation of a marketing plan for the sale of live animals (cattle, goats and camels), carcasses and meat cuts tu wholesale and retail sale
• Comprehensive financial analysis of the project (investments, revenues, operating costs, profit & loss, IRR, sensitivity)
Consulting Services to draft a concept for a Dairy School in Tunisia
Country: Tunesia
Origin of Funding: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Name of Client: German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Project Dates: 25.10.2018 – 25.04.2019
Project Value [EUR]: 31,934
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 3
Name of partners, if any: Training, Test and Expert Centre (Lehr-, Versuchs- und Fachzentrum für Molkereiwirtschaft, LVFZ, Kempten, Germany)
Project Description:
The GIZ programme “Green Innovation Centres” supports small farmers in 15 countries (14 in Africa and India) to achieve a sustainable increase of production and income with the aim to create new jobs and to keep the main part of the value chain in the rural regions.
The project promotes the networking of local innovation partners to spread innovations in the countries better and faster. Knowledge-building and knowledge-sharing is promoted through consultancy, training and education, as well as access to credit for innovation to work towards modernisation and professionalisation of the agricultural sector.
As part of the activities of the “Tunisia” country package, a concept for a dairy farming school in Thibar, Tunisia, was developed. The input of the Consultant included the organisation of a multi-day Exposure Seminar on “Cooperation with actors in the field of dairy farming and processing in Bavaria”, implemented with the support of the Training, Test and Expert Centre (LVFZ) in Kempten, Bavaria, Germany. In the Exposure Seminar, ADT took the role of the professional moderator who accompanied the participants, deepened the technical aspects of the various technical items, worked out the central theme of the programme, supported the discussion among the actors, instructed the reflexion in the group of participants, and elaborated the final report with recommendations for further actions.
In two workshops held in Tunis in Dezember 2018 and February 2019, concept ideas were deepened and training progammes for different target groups in the dairy value chain were elaborated.
This systematic process laid the foundation for the cooperation arrangement for a dairy school in Tunisia.
Services provided:
• Organisation and support of a multi-day Exposure Seminar in the Lehr-, Versuchs- und Fachzentrum für Molkereiwirtschaft (LVFZ) in Kempten, Bavaria, and in other institutions of the dairy value chain in Bavaria
• Technical organisation and implementation of two workshops held in December 2018 and February 2019 for the deepening of the concept for the Dairy School in Thibar and the development of a roadmap for the implementation of the Dairy School
• Development of advanced training programs for different target groups in the dairy value chain (dairy farming consultants, animal husbandry technicians, specialized animal service providers, milk transporters, managers of milk collection points, cheese dairy experts)
• Contribution to the organisation model of the Dairy School (multi-stakeholders approach with private business partners)
• Professional exchanges on the Tunisian system of vocational training in the field of animal husbandry
• Support to the Project outline “Competence Center for Modern Dairy Farming at the Lycée sectoriel de formation professionnelle agricole en élevage bovin de Thibar” with contributions on priorities for further training courses and potential cooperation with German actors
Building knowledge bridges on dairy farm management for the future
Country: Turkey
Origin of Funding: EU / Secretariat General for EU Affaires in Turkey
Name of Client: Cattle Breeders’ Association of Aydin
Project Dates: 04/2011 – 03/2012
Project Value [EUR]: 19.830
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 80
Staff provided: 2
Name of partners, if any: Deutscher Holstein Verband e.V. (DHV); Cattle Breeders’ Association of Aydin
Project Description:
ADT supported the Cattle Breeders’ Association of Aydin in the Aegean region of Turkey within the project Building knowledge bridges on dairy farm management for the future, (CFCU/TR0703.01-02/FA) to improve technologies in cattle farming according to EU standards on animal welfare, environmental issues and food safety and trained future dairy farm advisors of the Cattle Breeders’ Association of Aydin.
Services provided:
• Organisation and implementation of one week study tour to Germany for 18 agricultural advisers of the Cattle Breeders’ Association of Aydin on EU standards in cattle farm management, environment protection (including manure storage and treatment, biogas concepts etc), animal welfare, food safety in 11/2011
• Assessment of two cattle farms in Aydin region to identify potentials for improvement with specific view on environment protection, animal welfare, food safety and competiveness 1/2012
• Practical training of agricultural advisors on the farms (01/2012) with specific focus on environment protection, animal welfare, competiveness and food safety issues
• Drafting of a concepts for the future advisory activities for cattle farms in Turkey
• Preparation of conference paper for the conference INTERNATIONAL BEST PRACTICES IN DAIRY FARM MANAGEMENT CONGRESS, (Turkey 15-16 March 2012)
• Contribution to the final project conference as speaker
Technical Assistance for the Rural Development Project of the GAP Regional
Country: Turkey
Origin of Funding: EU MEDA
Name of Client: Prime Ministry, Southeastern Anatolia Project Regional Development Administration (GAP-RDA)
Project Dates: 05/2004 – 12/2007
Project Value [EUR]: 3.804.630
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 4
Staff provided: 34
Name of partners, if any: SOFRECO (France) AGRIN (Turkey) JFTL (France)
Project Description:
The Rural Development Project of the GAP Regional Development Programme aimed at alleviating poverty through the strengthening and diversification of rural based sustainable income generation in the Southeast Anatolia of Turkey. The Beneficiary of the Project is the Prime Ministry, Southeastern Anatolia Project Regional Development Administration (GAP-RDA). The Technical Assistance Team (TAT) supported the EC Representation to Turkey and the GAP-RDA in delivery of inputs and timely and effective implementation of the activities to be supported through various grant schemes amounting MEURO 20. The TAT was carrying out baseline surveys and needs analyses; propose new selection criterion for disbursement of inputs through call for proposals (supplies, works and grants) to the final beneficiaries; assist the EC Representation for preparation and evaluation of supply and works tenders, launching and evaluation of call for proposals; provide technical assistance and training to potential grant applicants and to grant recipients for implementation and monitoring of the project activities, etc.
The following main tasks have been undertaken by the Technical Assistance Team:
Assistance to GAP-RDA for distribution of supplies procured through pilot tenders(s)
Provision of technical assistance and training to grant recipients
Assistance to GAP-RDA in drafting and finalising the additional supply tender documents and call for proposals
Design and provision of training on EU grant schemes/PCM to potential applicants
Provision of feedback to unsuccessful grant applicants of the first call
Analysis of the possibility of establishing a new or up-grading an existing re-payment scheme with regard to the grant scheme
Monitor and supervise each project closely with site visits
Carry out a final evaluation on completed projects
Disseminate information to final beneficiaries through meetings, conferences, by audio/visual materials, etc.
Establish a Management Information System
Design an exit strategy for ensuring the sustainability of the project and also organise activities for dissemination of project results
Services provided:
• Provision of international and local long/short term technical assistance in all of the identified areas of expertise throughout the implementation of the project
• In-service training for the TAT members on PCM and EC procurement procedures
• Strong backstopping including regular meetings with the EC Representation, GAP-RDA and the TAT
• Assistance to GAP RDA in the design, implementation and monitoring of the activities of the whole project
• Regular monitoring and analysis on the implementation of activities financed through grant schemes
• Strengthening of co-operation with other relevant EU programmes and other donors involved in the field of rural development
• Training
Conduct a Review of the Botswana Livestock Identification and Traceability System
Country: Botswana
Origin of Funding: FAO
Name of Client: FAO
Project Dates: 18.01.2010 – 22.02.2010
Project Value [EUR]: US$ 20.360.00
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 2
Project Description:
The overall objective was to carry out an in-depth analysis of the Botswana Livestock Information and Traceability System (LITS) with the following activities
to analyse the bolus based LITS system
to arrange a stakeholder workshop to get feedback on the expectations of outputs of LITS for the different categories of stakeholders and to include them into the analysis.
Services provided:
Analysis of the bolus based Livestock Information and Traceability System (LITS) system; the review was done through:
• Consultation – this targeted a wide range of stakeholders in Botswana who had varying responsibilities, perspectives and views
• Evidence collection – during the consultation process a range of data and other evidence associated with issues that stakeholders had experienced while working with the LITS system
• Database review – reviewed by way of sample testing of key automated controls and tracing a sample of transactions through the database, to assess the operation of the LITS application and the database itself
• Analysis – outcomes of the preceding processes were subject to analysis as presented in this report.
• Implementation of a two-days stakeholder workshop to get feedback on the expectations of outputs of LITS for the different categories of stakeholders and to include them into the analysis
• Working out recommendations for the improvement of the LITS in Botswana
Development of the Livestock Identification and Traceability System (LITS) database of Ethiopia
Country: Ethiopia
Origin of Funding: Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA) for USAid
Name of Client: Ministry of Livestock of Ethiopia
Project Dates: 02/2016 – 11/2018
Project Value [EUR]: 300.000 US$
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 40
Staff provided: 2
Name of partners, if any: Unternehmensberatung Dr. Karb GmbH, Germany
Project Description:
The aim of this project was to execute the development and implementation of the Livestock Information and Traceability System (LITS database) in Ethiopia. Following steps were undertaken to fullfill this task:
Brief desk study from the Service Provider’s head office
Initial field visit of three experts. This expert mission included 15 working days of the IT System architect, 15 working days of the AIT business analyst and 10 working days of the AIT field operations expert.
Elaboration of the technology specifications for the procurement for hosting and backing up the database
Development of comprehensive LITS database: based on the agreed specifications, the Service Provider customized the software by adapting the relevant parameters, layouts and workflows.
Provision of user manuals: User manuals were provided for database administrators and for end users in English language.
Presentation of the software and manuals: in the course of a second expert mission to Addis Ababa the Service Provider presented the customized software and the corresponding manuals.
Training of trainers on utilization of the database: the Service Provider provided a training (15 working days) by the AIT business analyst in Addis Ababa.
Training of database manager on maintenance of the database and its software.
Maintenance and Support: The Service Provider’s support team was available during business hours (9:00 – 17:00 CET) Monday through Friday providing third level support. First and second level support shall be organized by local staff of the organisation.
Provision of a Service Warranty and Maintenance Period from 11/2017 t0 11/2018.
Currently, the ETLITSystem is ready to be utilised in the pilot region of Oromia and Tigray before the national roll-out is implemented. Refreshing trainings have been carried out and a follow up project under sponsoring of the WB has been tendered.
Services provided:
• Installation of the complete infrastructure and the standard AIT software in the test environment of the beneficiary
• Specification of the technical requirements for the collection of animal health information, animal health treatments and vaccinations, exchange of data with veterinary laboratories; and surveillance measures
• Elaboration of the specifications for the parameterization of the software; preparation of a Technical Programming Concept (TPC) with a detailed description of all functionalities of the AIT application (business processes, use cases, data elements) and interaction with workflows in the field, devices and data capture forms
• Technology specification and parameterization of the software
• Preparation of user manuals and training manuals for different user groups
• Trainings (TOT and end-user training)
• Handing over of source code and provision of the national perpetual license for the Government of Ethiopia
• Support and maintenance services according to this Service Agreement
Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector – Dairy Value Chain in Kenya
Country: Kenya
Origin of Funding: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Name of Client: German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Project Dates: 01/2019 – 12/2022
Project Value [EUR]: 1,504,918
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 33
Staff provided: 4 short-term experts
Name of partners, if any: GFA Consulting Group
Project Description:
The overall aim of the project is to enhance capacity of local dairy farmers in Western Kenya to produce safe milk, increase milk quantity and quality with the support of improved services, in particular through better organized dairy cooperatives. As a result, incomes of small-scale farmers, productivity of dairy cattle and food supply should increase and new jobs, especially for women and rural youth, should be created. Kenya’s dairy industry represents an estimated value of 4 % of gross domestic product (GDP), with an increasing domestic milk production (5.3 % per year), processing capacity (7 % per year), annual milk consumption per capita (5.8 %; currently at 110 litres) and a growing export potential.
Kenya’s dairy industry has a leading position in the entire region and strong economic interdependence with most of the neighbouring countries. However, more than 80% of the milk is produced by small scale farmers and about 80% of the produced milk is marketed through informal markets and consumed fresh. In order to include these small scale farmers into the formal milk market in view of increasing farmer’s incomes and milk quality, the Kenya National Dairy Master plan defines strategic actions.
The project addresses the key challenges to the implementation of those strategies, namely low production of dairy cows, seasonal cycles of low and high milk supply, poor milk quality and safety, poor animal feed supplies, lack of technical and management knowledge of producers, lack of investment by the private sector, market and product development, market intelligence and the risk of unfair competition from oligopolies in milk processing.
The animal health sector plays an important role as a support service, however, County Government services are insufficient to respond to the needs of small scale farmers and private animal health services are scarce. Service delivery through Animal health assistants, Articifical Insemination Technicians and through services by Agrovet Shops are being supported.
The main interventions to achieve the objectives are dedicated capacity building programs, support to local fodder production, marketing intelligence and advisory services to the dairy cooperatives and national dairy partners such as the Kenya Dairy Board.
GIZ decided to add a specific animal health component to this project in support to the county Veterinary Services to respond to identified needs for increased support of improved service delivery in view of improved local trade in dairy products.
The project works in close collaboration with other institutions like ILRI, KALRO, DTI, Bukara College and other ongoing international projects. The project works in close collaboration with other institutions like ILRI, KALRO, DTI, Bukara College and other ongoing international projects.
Services provided:
• Training farmers in 33 different sites in Good Agricultural Practices and bringing together all key stakeholders, (farmer, dairy cooperatives, county livestock officers), covering key topics (dairy forage production, feeding and feed formulation, dairy young stock rearing), following the Agriculture technical vocational education and training (ATVET) curriculum and ATVET trained trainers are being engaged. The goal is to train up to 5000 farmers in 2019/20.
• Strengthening dairy cooperatives by supporting the 25 registered dairy cooperatives to become more competitive in the formal milk market through implementing a clear strategy for value addition to increase their market shares and to play a significant role in the development of the DVC (main intervention through trainings for member management, service delivery, internal organisation and efficient management)
• Foster the fodder value chain by supporting zero-grazing and improved pasture management as management options for increased dairy production using innovative approaches in the project area through approaches such as: the identification of fodder production and commercialisation as a complementary business, increase competitiveness through employment opportunities from the production, conservation, transportation to sales, Promotion of fodder grasses such as Brachiaria, which are drought resilient, as a means to adapt to climate change, besides generating household income
• Improve milk quality by providing training and support measures to producers (milk hygiene) and cooperatives (milk safety testing) as the informal milk market poses a risk to public health in terms of spread of zoonotic diseases, residues of antimicrobials and chemicals and aflatoxins; and by discussing milk price adjustment in line with milk quality with key and market stakeholders (e.g. Kenya Dairy Board, dairies operating in the project)
Feasibility Study for the Expansion of Zoning, Animal Identification and Traceability Systems (ZAITS) for export trade in the SADC Region
Country: South African Development Community (SADC)
Origin of Funding: EU – PRINT Programme
Name of Client: Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat
Project Dates: 09/2008 – 02/2009
Project Value [EUR]: 147.764
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 4
Project Description:
The specific objectives of the study were to conduct an analysis of existing animal disease control strategies in beef export zones and their corresponding animal identification and traceability systems in selected SADC Member States and a view to explore the feasibility of expanding the initiatives to other MS which have export potential in livestock and livestock products.
The study comprised the following Member States of the SADC region:
Services provided:
• Analysis of the existing zones for export trade in livestock and livestock products and relevant animal identification and traceability systems in selected Member States
• Preparation of a feasibility study for expanding the initiatives of zoning for export trade and the implementation of the corresponding animal identification and traceability systems in selected SADC Member States
Development and Operation of an Enhanced Livestock Identification and Traceability System Integrated with an Animal Health Information System in Tanzania (TANLITS)
Country: Tanzania
Origin of Funding: FAO
Name of Client: Ministry of Livestock Development and Fisheries of Tanzania
Project Dates: 04/2013 – 08/2014
Project Value [EUR]: 205.000 US $
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 42
Staff provided: 2
Name of partners, if any: Unternehmensberatung Dr. Karb GmbH
Project Description:
The Government of Tanzania (GoT) resolved to establish and operate a Livestock Identification and Traceability System (LITS). It commissioned a consultancy study to recommend appropriate LITS for Tanzania (hereafter called TANLITS) that was conducted in August-September 2008, and procured essential hardware. This project as a logical follow-up step aimed to develop, customize and operationalise a computerized central database for TANLITS to be tested and validated in a pilot region.
The system was introduced stepwise in certain parts of the territory of Tanzania, i.e. in zones and/or compartments. The project also provided training on database management and linked the established TANLITS with Animal Health (Veterinary Services Needs) and Animal Production (Animal Production Needs) Information Management Systems.
Services provided:
• Conduct Client Needs Analysis (e.g. key components of the information system and potential interfaces; IT infrastructure where the AIT is placed; review hardware solution procured; evaluate the proposed AIT and advise on network requirements)
• Design and develop the AIT Software Solution (prepare detailed technical specifications, business processes, use cases, data description, roles and responsibilities of system partners; Software Programming; Development and Provision of interlinking with other Livestock Information Management Systems; Content Management System and Reporting)
• Customization, Installation and Testing of AIT (e.g. Configuration of Process Engines, Servers, Field Data Capture; Installation and test of application inclusive GIS functionality; Configuration of user roles and privileges; Application for data capture in the field using SMS channel; Provide Source Codes)
• Preparation of Standard Operation Procedures and Guidelines
• Establishment of Help Line and PR Communication Desk
• Training of Trainers
• Provision of Software Manuals
• Participation in Field testing and Implementation
Consultancy Study to recommend appropriate systems to be adopted by Tanzania for its National Livestock Identification, Registration and Traceability System
Country: Tanzania
Origin of Funding: Ministry of Livestock Development and Fisheries of Tanzania
Name of Client: Ministry of Livestock Development and Fisheries
Project Dates: 08/2008 – 09/2008
Project Value [EUR]: 29.420
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 100
Staff provided: 2
Project Description:
The objective of this Feasibility Study was to provide a scientific opinion and advice on the Livestock Identification, Registration and Traceability System that Tanzania should adopt for the purpose of disease control, food safety and market access through imparting competitiveness edge for the international livestock trade.
Services provided:
• Review livestock identification, registration and traceability systems in the country paying particular attention to catchment areas of current potential export abattoirs that are either processing meat or meat products for export meat or meatproducts
• Develop recommendations on which Livestock Identification and Registration System (LIRS) to adopt
• Develop recommendations on how the adopted LIRS will be managed and financed
• Develop recommendations on data and information management systems to support the LIRS adopted to the regional (SADC-LIMS) and international (Global Traceability Network and ISO requirement
• Exploring importation or manufacturing of livestock Identification devices
• Develop recommendations on the roadmap and implementation schedule
• Presentation of findings and recommendations
• Database System Development, customization, training and commissionioning
Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector – Dairy value Chain in Zambia
Country: Zambia
Origin of Funding: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Name of Client: Society for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Project Dates: 01/2019 – 12/2022
Project Value [EUR]: 2.000.000
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 30
Staff provided: 7
Name of partners, if any: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation (lead)
Project Description:
The overall objective along the dairy value chain in Zambia was to improve the income of smallholder dairy farmers in the Southern Province of Zambia, to increase the employment rate and to improve the local availability of dairy products. Actors of the supported small-scale farming enterprises were to gain access to productivity and income enhancing innovations, actors of the up and downstream enterprises along the dairy value chain were to gain access to innovations that enhance productivity and employment, all actors of the dairy value chain were to gain improved capacity to represent their interests, and transnational exchange between actors of the dairy industry involved in innovative approaches were to be strengthened.
The activities along the dairy value chain concentrated on building capacities of smallholder dairy cooperatives and 10.000 small scale dairy farmers in the following areas: cooperative governance, management and organisation; animal husbandry and dairy management, improvement of genetic resources, feeding regimes and fodder production; breeding of dairy cows; access to inputs and services and access to markets. In all mentioned measures particularly women and young farmers were empowered.
ADT Project Consulting led the thematic working areas on breeding and ICT. In the breeding component the project interventions included a comprehensive genetic survey followed by the improvement of practical breeding services for artificial insemination and provision of breeding bulls as well as capacity building on the strategy and organisation of the breeding work in Zambia. An Animal Breeding Summit at the end of October 2019 emphasized the importance of improved and well adapted dairy cattle genetics for milk production and promoted the new services to dairy farmers. In the ICT component two applications for the digitalization of information at milk supply (emilk) and the recording of breeding activities (ibreed) were developed and introduced. Additionally, ADT provided specific input in the areas of animal health, business development of cooperatives and milk processing.
Services provided:
Improving the technical, financial and managerial capacity of small holder dairy farmers by
• Training/development of training materials on animal husbandry and milk production, milk hygiene, animal breeding, feeding and fodder production, business skills and access to financial services
• Introducing and training farmers and cooperative members in the application and use of innovations
Improving the capacity of dairy cooperatives by
• Strengthening governance and business management
• Improving cooperative based input supply and dairy support services
• Improve value addition and hygiene and quality of milk supply
• Improved information dissemination / accessibility though ICT adaption/development
Improving the enabling environment for small-scale dairy farmers by
• Building the capacity of national lobby institutions for small holder dairy farmers
• Promotion of safe dairy products
• Strengthening policy and advocacy for small holder dairy farmers
Implementation of National Animal Identification and Traceability System for Jamaica
Country: Jamaica
Origin of Funding: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Name of Client: Ministry of Agriculture, Agro-Investment Corporation of Jamaica
Project Dates: 12/2013–02/2017
Project Value [EUR]: 205,228
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 53
Staff provided: 5
Name of partners, if any: Unternehmensberatung Dr. Karb GmbH
Project Description:
This project followed on from previous works done between 2009 and 2010 and had the objective to implement a National Animal Identification and Traceability (AIT) System in Jamaica.
The following results were achieved:
A detailed implementation plan with updated technical requirements and specifications and proposal for organization of the national AIT system was provided
The Technical Programming Concept (TPC), the Source Code and the documentation of the AIT application was provided.
A report on the introduction of the AIT application was provided
A report on the tagging process for one species was provided
Until 2020, 38,000 heads of cattle representing 50% of the cattle population have been registered in the database. Full implementation of the requirements of the NAITS is effective from January 2021 on (
Services provided:
• Provide a detailed implementation plan which includes the updated technical requirements/specifications (to include equipment and materials for tagging, hardware and software needs for hosting etc.) and proposal for organization of the AIT system
• Carry out GAP analysis and production of the Technical Programming Concept (TPC)
• Deliver of a functioning Animal Identification and Traceability (AIT) system database application
• Provide a source code of the application
• Provide relevant programme documentation
• Carry out programme customization
• Carry out training of trainers
• Prepare user Manuals for various user groups
• Guide the initial start of the tagging process for at least one species (cattle)
Consulting Services for National Animal Identification Project
Country: Jamaica
Origin of Funding: Inter-American Development Bank
Name of Client: Agricultural Support Services
Project Dates: 07/2009 – 11/2009
Project Value [EUR]: 119.518
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 70
Staff provided: 4
Name of partners, if any: Unternehmensberatung Dr. Karb GmbH, Germany, Institut de l’Elevage, France
Project Description:
The objective of this consultancy was to guide the Ministry of Agriculture in the implementation of a national animal identification system for Jamaica.
Services provided:
• Defining and documenting the proposed national animal identification system. The current focus is on cattle, however, the prototype developed must be applicable to other species of farm animals.
• Determining the economic cost and impact of the national animal identification system with recommendations for financing.
• Assisting in the drafting of appropriate legislation and regulations aimed at facilitating the national animal identification system.
Development of an Animal Identification, Registration and Traceability system (AIR&T) in Suriname
Country: Suriname
Origin of Funding: FAO
Name of Client: Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry (MAAHF)
Project Dates: 01/2017 – 06/2018, extended to 06/2021
Project Value [EUR]: 166.860 US$
Proportion carried out by ADT Project Consulting: 40
Staff provided: 5
Name of partners, if any: Unternehmensberatung Dr. Karb GmbH, Germany, VetEffecT, The Netherlands
Project Description:
The Agricultural Sector is an important pillar of the Suriname national economy, a principal driver of economic growth and employing thousands of Suriname men, women and youth. Livestock numbers have undergone substantial changes. The most up-to-date data originate from the census in 2015 and indicate livestock numbers of 35,536 cattle on 4856 premises, 562 buffaloes on 25 premises, 19,962 small ruminants on 1,778 premises, 248 horse on 72 premises, 921,492 poultry animals on 2,731 premises, and 21,361 pigs on 208 premises.
The overall project objective was to design and implement an AIT System with the objective of animal and establishment identification and movement traceability, enabling the provision of an animal inventoy, the integration of animal health data and disease monitoring, performance recording and animal identification.
The project deliverables were assigned to three stages out of which the first two have been completed:
Stage 1 elaborated a Strategy and Action Plan.
Stage 2 delivered the specification of the AIR&T system requirements and the parameterization of software. In co-operation with the beneficiary, the consultant elaborated the requirements of the animal traceability system for cattle on the basis of well established procedures. The requirements were documented in a so called technical programming concept (TPC) which includes the complete information for the parameterization process. With the approval of the TPC by the beneficiary, the parameterization process was started and subsequently, the software was tested. After installation of the AIR&T software infrastructure components at the premises of the Ministry and the conduction of the software training, the software is approved by and delivered to the beneficiary. This approach allows that staff of the beneficiary is actively involved in the usage and management of the ATS platform from project month 6 onwards. This gives the opportunity for a continuous knowledge transfer for a period of 12 months.
Stage 3 starts when the production software is put into operation and the preparation of the field implementation including the procurement of all necessary equipment to roll-out the AIR&T system in the pilot region is completed. The final stage includes a 6 months maintenance period by the consultant.
Services provided:
• Elaboration of a Strategy and Action Plan for a multipurpose (modular) animal identification, registration and traceability (AIR&T) system in Suriname by using the ATS platform tools to analyze the purpose of the AIR&T systems, to deduct needs and to identify the appropriate scheme of the proposed AIR&T system
• AIR&T implementation plan; the pre-conceptualized approach model of the ATS platform is used for an effectively project planning and implementation
• System Requirements Specifications by using the ATS platform tools to specify relevant parameters (business processes, use cases, data elements)
• Documentation of functional and non-functional requirements in the Technical Programming Concept (TPC)
• Parametrisation of the software
• Testing of the software and bug fixing in dialogue with the beneficiary
• Procurement of material including eartags and paper forms
• Preparation of standard operation procedures (SOPs), user manuals and training materials
• Training of the trainers (ToT) and end-user training
• Preparation and roll out of the AIT system in the pilot region
• Help desk and maintenance support for 6 months during field testing
ADT Project Consulting GmbH
Adenauerallee 174
53113 Bonn, Germany+ 49 228 9 14 47-30