In the frame of the new bilateral cooperation project “Strengthening of dairy farming competences for the sustainable development of milk production in Kazakhstan” a one-week study visit to Germany for 8 dairy sector experts from Kazakhstan was successfully implemented from December 8th to 14th, 2019 .
Main goal of the study visit has been to provide information and exchange experiences with German experts in regard to investment support programs for dairy farm development, dairy farm advisory services and further services and approaches to achieve modern, sustainable and animal welfare oriented milk production systems/farms. Also ensuring the competitiveness of dairy farms by financing investments was a key topic. The participants visited inter alia the following institutions and partners in Germany:
• Germany’s development agency for agribusiness (Landwirtschaftliche Rentenban), Frankfurt
• Investment support service for agricultural farms (STA Serviceteam Alsfeld GmbH) in the State of Hessen
• Innovation Team for dairy farms in the State of Hessen
• IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH, Leipzig
• Deutsche Kreditbank AG, Leipzig
• Livestock Education and Research Station Köllitsch, Köllitsch
• Cattle Breeders’ Association (Rinderallianz) in the State of Saxony-Anhalt, Bismark
• Two family dairy farms in Niedergründau and Kelbra
• The Federal German Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), Berlin
The participants from Kazakhstan consisted of representatives from main project partners such as the Department of Production and Processing of Livestock Products (Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan), the Agrarian Credit Corporation (ACC), the Research and Innovation Center of Animal Husbandry in Nur-Sultan and the Dairy Cattle Breeding Association of Kazakhstan.
The project is part of the bilateral cooperation program of the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and the consortium of ADT Project Consulting GmbH (ADT lead company) and IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH that is implementing the project on behalf of BMEL.