In the frame of the project “Indo-German Cooperation on Seed Sector Development”, funded by the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), a study visit of 3 expert of India on distinctiveness, uniqueness and stability (DUS) testing of Tomato in Greenhouse to Naktuinbouw (the Netherlands Inspection Service for Horticulture) in Roelofarendsveen has been organized during September 25 – 30, 2023.

Participants have been the Registrar General of the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority (PPV&FRA) in New-Delhi and two Indian Scientists responsible for the execution of DUS-testing on tomato at the DUS testing Centres for Horticulture in Bangalore (ICAR-IIHR) and Varanasi (IIVR).

The programme included 3 days training and consultations at Naktuinbouw in Roelofarendsveen on various topics related to DUS testing on tomato and practical training & demonstration & exercises in greenhouses. In addition, some vegetable and ornamental breeding companies have been visited in the Netherlands.

The Indo-German seed project is part of the bilateral cooperation programme of BMEL. The consortium charged with conducting this bilateral project consists of ADT Project Consulting GmbH (ADT), the Sortenförderungsgesellschaft mbH (SFG) and the German Plant Breeders’ Association (BDP).

More information about the project you can find under