Rural Development

Our support to this sectors is manifested in several projects in support of EU accession countries in which EU policy and programmes have been integrated into national policies and transition to EU regulations have been promoted. These projects usually have a strong capacity building component.
Aspects of biodiversity, climate smart agriculture with related farming systems and marketing opportunities have also been fostered in our projects.

Rural development is inevitably linked to land use and land ownership issues, which have also been addressed.


  • Bulgaria: Technical assistance to the preparation of the Rural Development Program 2007 – 2013 and its Monitoring System
  • Bulgaria: Integrated Development Project in the Dobrich Region under the Special Preparatory for Structural Funds in Bulgaria
  • Bulgaria: Support to Lovetsch Mountain Region and to fruit and wine production in Bulgaria
  • Macedonia: Development and implementation of agri-environment measures
  • Romania: Modernization of agricultural knowledge and Information System (MAKIS) in the South-West and parts of North-West Region of Romania
  • Turkey: Technical assistance for the Rural Development Project of the GAP Regional Development Programme